Amitsur complex

In algebra, the Amitsur complex is a natural complex associated to a ring homomorphism. It was introduced by Shimshon Amitsur (1959). When the homomorphism is faithfully flat, the Amitsur complex is exact (thus determining a resolution), which is the basis of the theory of faithfully flat descent.

The notion should be thought of as a mechanism to go beyond the conventional localization of rings and modules.[1]


Let θ : R S {\displaystyle \theta :R\to S} be a homomorphism of (not-necessary-commutative) rings. First define the cosimplicial set C = S + 1 {\displaystyle C^{\bullet }=S^{\otimes \bullet +1}} (where {\displaystyle \otimes } refers to R {\displaystyle \otimes _{R}} , not Z {\displaystyle \otimes _{\mathbb {Z} }} ) as follows. Define the face maps d i : S n + 1 S n + 2 {\displaystyle d^{i}:S^{\otimes {n+1}}\to S^{\otimes n+2}} by inserting 1 {\displaystyle 1} at the i {\displaystyle i} th spot:[a]

d i ( x 0 x n ) = x 0 x i 1 1 x i x n . {\displaystyle d^{i}(x_{0}\otimes \cdots \otimes x_{n})=x_{0}\otimes \cdots \otimes x_{i-1}\otimes 1\otimes x_{i}\otimes \cdots \otimes x_{n}.}

Define the degeneracies s i : S n + 1 S n {\displaystyle s^{i}:S^{\otimes n+1}\to S^{\otimes n}} by multiplying out the i {\displaystyle i} th and ( i + 1 ) {\displaystyle (i+1)} th spots:

s i ( x 0 x n ) = x 0 x i x i + 1 x n . {\displaystyle s^{i}(x_{0}\otimes \cdots \otimes x_{n})=x_{0}\otimes \cdots \otimes x_{i}x_{i+1}\otimes \cdots \otimes x_{n}.}

They satisfy the "obvious" cosimplicial identities and thus S + 1 {\displaystyle S^{\otimes \bullet +1}} is a cosimplicial set. It then determines the complex with the augumentation θ {\displaystyle \theta } , the Amitsur complex:[2]

0 R θ S δ 0 S 2 δ 1 S 3 {\displaystyle 0\to R\,{\overset {\theta }{\to }}\,S\,{\overset {\delta ^{0}}{\to }}\,S^{\otimes 2}\,{\overset {\delta ^{1}}{\to }}\,S^{\otimes 3}\to \cdots }

where δ n = i = 0 n + 1 ( 1 ) i d i . {\displaystyle \delta ^{n}=\sum _{i=0}^{n+1}(-1)^{i}d^{i}.}

Exactness of the Amitsur complex

Faithfully flat case

In the above notations, if θ {\displaystyle \theta } is right faithfully flat, then a theorem of Alexander Grothendieck states that the (augmented) complex 0 R θ S + 1 {\displaystyle 0\to R{\overset {\theta }{\to }}S^{\otimes \bullet +1}} is exact and thus is a resolution. More generally, if θ {\displaystyle \theta } is right faithfully flat, then, for each left R {\displaystyle R} -module M {\displaystyle M} ,

0 M S R M S 2 R M S 3 R M {\displaystyle 0\to M\to S\otimes _{R}M\to S^{\otimes 2}\otimes _{R}M\to S^{\otimes 3}\otimes _{R}M\to \cdots }

is exact.[3]


Step 1: The statement is true if θ : R S {\displaystyle \theta :R\to S} splits as a ring homomorphism.

That " θ {\displaystyle \theta } splits" is to say ρ θ = id R {\displaystyle \rho \circ \theta =\operatorname {id} _{R}} for some homomorphism ρ : S R {\displaystyle \rho :S\to R} ( ρ {\displaystyle \rho } is a retraction and θ {\displaystyle \theta } a section). Given such a ρ {\displaystyle \rho } , define

h : S n + 1 M S n M {\displaystyle h:S^{\otimes n+1}\otimes M\to S^{\otimes n}\otimes M}


h ( x 0 m ) = ρ ( x 0 ) m , h ( x 0 x n m ) = θ ( ρ ( x 0 ) ) x 1 x n m . {\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}&h(x_{0}\otimes m)=\rho (x_{0})\otimes m,\\&h(x_{0}\otimes \cdots \otimes x_{n}\otimes m)=\theta (\rho (x_{0}))x_{1}\otimes \cdots \otimes x_{n}\otimes m.\end{aligned}}}

An easy computation shows the following identity: with δ 1 = θ id M : M S R M {\displaystyle \delta ^{-1}=\theta \otimes \operatorname {id} _{M}:M\to S\otimes _{R}M} ,

h δ n + δ n 1 h = id S n + 1 M {\displaystyle h\circ \delta ^{n}+\delta ^{n-1}\circ h=\operatorname {id} _{S^{\otimes n+1}\otimes M}} .

This is to say that h {\displaystyle h} is a homotopy operator and so id S n + 1 M {\displaystyle \operatorname {id} _{S^{\otimes n+1}\otimes M}} determines the zero map on cohomology: i.e., the complex is exact.

Step 2: The statement is true in general.

We remark that S T := S R S , x 1 x {\displaystyle S\to T:=S\otimes _{R}S,\,x\mapsto 1\otimes x} is a section of T S , x y x y {\displaystyle T\to S,\,x\otimes y\mapsto xy} . Thus, Step 1 applied to the split ring homomorphism S T {\displaystyle S\to T} implies:

0 M S T S M S T 2 S M S , {\displaystyle 0\to M_{S}\to T\otimes _{S}M_{S}\to T^{\otimes 2}\otimes _{S}M_{S}\to \cdots ,}

where M S = S R M {\displaystyle M_{S}=S\otimes _{R}M} , is exact. Since T S M S S 2 R M {\displaystyle T\otimes _{S}M_{S}\simeq S^{\otimes 2}\otimes _{R}M} , etc., by "faithfully flat", the original sequence is exact. {\displaystyle \square }

Arc topology case

Bhargav Bhatt and Peter Scholze (2019, §8) show that the Amitsur complex is exact if R {\displaystyle R} and S {\displaystyle S} are (commutative) perfect rings, and the map is required to be a covering in the arc topology (which is a weaker condition than being a cover in the flat topology).


  1. ^ The reference (M. Artin) seems to have a typo, and this should be the correct formula; see the calculation of s 0 {\displaystyle s_{0}} and d 2 {\displaystyle d^{2}} in the note.


  1. ^ Artin 1999, III.7
  2. ^ Artin 1999, III.6
  3. ^ Artin 1999, Theorem III.6.6


  • Artin, Michael (1999), Noncommutative rings (Berkeley lecture notes) (PDF)
  • Amitsur, Shimshon (1959), "Simple algebras and cohomology groups of arbitrary fields", Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 90 (1): 73–112
  • Bhatt, Bhargav; Scholze, Peter (2019), Prisms and Prismatic Cohomology, arXiv:1905.08229
  • Amitsur complex at the nLab