Apianus (crater)

Crater on the Moon
The crater area in a selenochromatic format image (Si)
Feature on the moon
26°54′S 7°54′E / 26.9°S 7.9°E / -26.9; 7.9Diameter63.44 kmDepth2.08 kmColongitude356° at sunriseEponymPetrus Apianus

Apianus is a lunar impact crater that is located on the rugged south-central highlands of the Moon. It is named after 16th century German mathematician and astronomer Petrus Apianus.[1][2] It is located to the northeast of the crater Aliacensis, and to the northwest of Poisson. The worn crater Krusenstern is attached to the west-northwestern rim.


The outer wall of the crater has been worn and eroded by subsequent impacts, and a pair of small craterlets overlay the rim to the southeast and northeast. The central crater is 63 kilometers in diameter and 2,080 meters deep.[1] The craterlet on the southeast rim, Apianus B, is a member of a cluster of co-joined craterlets that includes Apianus T and Apianus U. The interior floor of the central crater is relatively smooth and lacks a central peak, although the surface appears somewhat convex. Only a few tiny craterlets mark the surface.[3]

The crater is from the Nectarian period, 3.92 to 3.85 billion years ago.[1]

Satellite craters

Apianus crater and its satellite craters taken from Earth in 2012 at the University of Hertfordshire's Bayfordbury Observatory with the telescopes Meade LX200 14" and Lumenera Skynyx 2-1

By convention these features are identified on lunar maps by placing the letter on the side of the crater midpoint that is closest to Apianus.[4]

Apianus Latitude Longitude Diameter Ref
A 25.7° S 6.6° E 13.11 km WGPSN
B 27.4° S 9.0° E 10.21 km WGPSN
C 28.1° S 10.5° E 19.64 km WGPSN
D 26.1° S 10.7° E 33.66 km WGPSN
E 28.8° S 8.2° E 8.39 km WGPSN
F 28.1° S 6.4° E 5.39 km WGPSN
G 28.1° S 7.7° E 4.02 km WGPSN
H 28.1° S 8.7° E 6.57 km WGPSN
J 26.3° S 8.6° E 6.71 km WGPSN
K 27.4° S 9.3° E 6.44 km WGPSN
L 29.1° S 10.9° E 4.67 km WGPSN
M 24.7° S 10.3° E 6.98 km WGPSN
N 28.8° S 9.9° E 3.46 km WGPSN
P 25.2° S 9.2° E 41.59 km WGPSN
R 25.7° S 8.9° E 13.1 km WGPSN
S 25.6° S 8.5° E 23.96 km WGPSN
T 27.7° S 9.5° E 11.52 km WGPSN
U 27.9° S 9.0° E 16.82 km WGPSN
V 25.3° S 10.5° E 3.2 km WGPSN
W 25.5° S 7.4° E 9.68 km WGPSN
X 28.3° S 7.1° E 3.1 km WGPSN

See also

  • 19139 Apian, asteroid


  1. ^ a b c Autostar Suite Astronomer Edition. CD-ROM. Meade, April 2006.
  2. ^ "Apianus (crater)". Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature. USGS Astrogeology Research Program.
  3. ^ Rükl, Antonín (1990). Atlas of the Moon. Kalmbach Books. ISBN 0-913135-17-8.
  4. ^ Bussey, B.; Spudis, P. (2004). The Clementine Atlas of the Moon. New York: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-81528-2.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Apianus (crater).
  • Crater Apianus in the Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature of the Astrogeology Research Program of the United States Geological Survey
  • Crater Apianus: Lunar Map LAC-95 of the Aeronautical Chart and Information Center of the United States Air Force in the Lunar Map Catalog of the Lunar and Planetary Institute
  • Crater Apianus: Available Lunar Maps according to the Astrogeology Research Program of the United States Geological Survey
  • Crater Apianus in the Digital Lunar Orbiter Photographic Atlas of the Moon of the Lunar and Planetary Institute - Image IV-095-H3
  • Crater Apianus in the Digital Lunar Orbiter Photographic Atlas of the Moon of the Lunar and Planetary Institute - Image IV-096-H1
  • Crater Apianus in the Digital Lunar Orbiter Photographic Atlas of the Moon of the Lunar and Planetary Institute - Image IV-096-M
  • Crater Apianus in the Digital Lunar Orbiter Photographic Atlas of the Moon of the Lunar and Planetary Institute - Image IV-100-H3
  • Crater Apianus in the Digital Lunar Orbiter Photographic Atlas of the Moon of the Lunar and Planetary Institute - Image IV-101-H1
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