Armorial of Norway

This is an incomplete list of Norwegian coats of arms. Today most municipalities and all counties have their own coats of arms. Many Norwegian military units and other public agencies and some private families have coats of arms. For more general information see the page about Norwegian heraldry.



  • Crowned escutcheon
    Crowned escutcheon
  • Greater royal arms
    Greater royal arms
  • Variant of the coat of arms used by the Storting since 2016
    Variant of the coat of arms used by the Storting since 2016
  • Emblem of the Royal House of Norway
    Emblem of the Royal House of Norway

Civilian agencies

Achievements including the royal arms

  • Armed Forces
    Armed Forces
  • Police Service
    Police Service
  • Border Police
    Border Police
  • Customs Service
    Customs Service
  • State Railways (1923)
    State Railways (1923)
  • National Rifle Association
  • Telegraph Administration (1924)
    Telegraph Administration (1924)


Crowned emblems


Ministry of Defence

  • Royal Norwegian Ministry of Defence
    Royal Norwegian Ministry of Defence
  • Committee for Assessment of Environmental Forces (former)
    Committee for Assessment of Environmental Forces (former)

Norwegian Defence Sector

Defence Staff

  • Armed Forces
  • Chief of Defence
    Chief of Defence
  • Chief of Defence's Internal Auditing Unit
    Chief of Defence's Internal Auditing Unit
  • Defence Staff
    Defence Staff
  • Women in the Norwegian Armed Forces (former)
    Women in the Norwegian Armed Forces (former)

Joint Headquarters

  • Joint Headquarters
  • Joint Headquarters (proposed)
  • Regional Headquarters North Norway (former)
    Regional Headquarters North Norway (former)
  • Regional Headquarters South Norway (former)
    Regional Headquarters South Norway (former)
  • Defence Command North Norway (former)
    Defence Command North Norway (former)
  • Defence Command South Norway (former)
    Defence Command South Norway (former)

Joint Support Services

Former arms of the Joint Support Services
  • Field Priest Corps
    Field Priest Corps
  • Information Infrastructure
    Information Infrastructure
  • Housing Service
    Housing Service
  • Joint Integrated Management System Administration
    Joint Integrated Management System Administration
  • National Defense-Joint Material Service
    National Defense-Joint Material Service
  • Department of Culture and Tradition
    Department of Culture and Tradition
  • School of Logistics
    School of Logistics
  • Telecom and Data Service
    Telecom and Data Service
  • Competence Centre for Command, Control and Information Systems
    Competence Centre for Command, Control and Information Systems
  • Competence Centre for Driver Education
    Competence Centre for Driver Education
  • Joint Operations Security Institute
    Joint Operations Security Institute
  • Regulatory Body
    Regulatory Body
  • Fredriksten Fortress

Joint Medical Services

  • Joint Medical Services
    Joint Medical Services
  • Surgeon General of the Norwegian Armed Forces Joint Medical Services
    Surgeon General of the Norwegian Armed Forces Joint Medical Services
  • Joint Medical Services Staff
    Joint Medical Services Staff
  • Medical Regiment
    Medical Regiment
  • Tactical Medical Forces
    Tactical Medical Forces
  • Medical School
    Medical School
  • Air Force Medical Institute
    Air Force Medical Institute
  • Veterinary Inspectorate
    Veterinary Inspectorate
  • Joint Medical Forces (former)
    Joint Medical Forces (former)

HR and Conscription Centre

  • HR and Conscription Centre
    HR and Conscription Centre
  • Veterans' Affairs Division
    Veterans' Affairs Division
  • Personnel Services (former)
    Personnel Services (former)
  • Conscription Service (former)
    Conscription Service (former)

Defence Logistics Organisation

  • Defence Logistics Organisation
    Defence Logistics Organisation
  • Logistics Operations Centre
    Logistics Operations Centre
  • Competence Centre for Logistics and Operational Support
    Competence Centre for Logistics and Operational Support
  • School of Logistics
    School of Logistics
  • School of Ammunitions and Explosive Ordnance Disposal
    School of Ammunitions and Explosive Ordnance Disposal
  • RSOM Battalion
    RSOM Battalion
  • National Support Element
    National Support Element
  • Host Nation Support Battalion
    Host Nation Support Battalion

Norwegian Army

  • Norwegian Army
  • Chief of the Norwegian Army
    Chief of the Norwegian Army
  • Army Staff
    Army Staff
  • Military Police Department
    Military Police Department
  • Logistic Regiment
    Logistic Regiment
  • Land Warfare Centre
    Land Warfare Centre
  • Winter Warfare School
    Winter Warfare School
  • Recruit and Vocational Training School
    Recruit and Vocational Training School
  • CBRNE School
    CBRNE School
  • Canine School
    Canine School
  • Allied Training Centre
    Allied Training Centre
  • Maneuver School
    Maneuver School
  • School of Tactics and Operations
    School of Tactics and Operations
  • Artillery School
    Artillery School
  • Engineer School
    Engineer School
  • Signal School
    Signal School
  • His Majesty The King's Guard
  • Brigade Nord
  • Armoured Battalion
    Armoured Battalion
  • Telemark Battalion
  • 2nd Battalion
    2nd Battalion
  • Artillery Battalion
    Artillery Battalion
  • Engineer Battalion
    Engineer Battalion
  • Signal Battalion
    Signal Battalion
  • Medical Battalion
    Medical Battalion
  • Combat Service Support Battalion
    Combat Service Support Battalion
  • Military Police Company
    Military Police Company
  • Finnmark Land Command
    Finnmark Land Command
  • Ranger Battalion GSV
  • Porsanger Battalion
  • Intelligence Battalion
    Intelligence Battalion
  • Logistics Battalion
    Logistics Battalion
  • SHORAD Battery
    SHORAD Battery
  • 2nd Armoured Squadron
    2nd Armoured Squadron
  • 4th Assault Squadron
    4th Assault Squadron
  • 5th Cavalry Squadron
    5th Cavalry Squadron
  • 6th Combat Support Squadron
    6th Combat Support Squadron
  • Finnmark Land Command Staff
    Finnmark Land Command Staff
  • 1st Armoured Reconnaissance Squadron
  • 2nd Armoured Reconnaissance Squadron
  • 6th Combat Support Squadron
  • Boat and Diving Squad
    Boat and Diving Squad
  • Intelligence and Electronic Warfare School
    Intelligence and Electronic Warfare School
  • Electronic Warfare Company
    Electronic Warfare Company
  • Combat Support Company
    Combat Support Company
  • Long Range Reconnaissance Squadron
    Long Range Reconnaissance Squadron
  • Military Intelligence Squadron
    Military Intelligence Squadron
  • Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Squadron
    Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Squadron
Former arms of the Norwegian Army
  • His Majesty The King's Guard
  • Independent Norwegian Brigade Group in Germany
  • Independent Norwegian Brigade Group in Germany Command
  • Independent Norwegian Brigade Group in Germany (Hanover District)
  • Independent Norwegian Brigade Group in Germany (Hamburg District)
  • Independent Norwegian Brigade Group in Germany (5th Yorkshire Division)
  • 1st Division
    1st Division
  • 6th Division / Troms Land Defence
    6th Division / Troms Land Defence
  • Brigade in Southern Norway
    Brigade in Southern Norway
  • Brigade in Northern Norway
    Brigade in Northern Norway
  • Finnmark Land Command
    Finnmark Land Command
  • Alta Battalion
  • Varanger Battalion
    Varanger Battalion
  • 1st Combined Regiment
    1st Combined Regiment
  • 3rd Combined Regiment
    3rd Combined Regiment
  • 5th Combined Regiment
    5th Combined Regiment
  • 6th Combined Regiment
    6th Combined Regiment
  • 7th Combined Regiment
    7th Combined Regiment
  • 8th Combined Regiment
    8th Combined Regiment
  • 9th Combined Regiment
    9th Combined Regiment
  • 12th Combined Regiment
    12th Combined Regiment
  • 13th Combined Regiment
    13th Combined Regiment
  • 14th Combined Regiment
    14th Combined Regiment
  • 15th Combined Regiment
    15th Combined Regiment
  • 6th Division
  • District Command Nord-Norge / 6th Division
    District Command Nord-Norge / 6th Division
  • District Command Sør og Vestlandet
    District Command Sør og Vestlandet
  • District Command Sørlandet
    District Command Sørlandet
  • District Command Trøndelag
    District Command Trøndelag
  • District Command Vestlandet
    District Command Vestlandet
  • District Command Østlandet
    District Command Østlandet
  • District Command Vestlandet Organizational Committee
    District Command Vestlandet Organizational Committee
  • Brigade Sør
    Brigade Sør
  • Brigade Vest
    Brigade Vest
  • 1st Brigade
    1st Brigade
  • 3rd Brigade
    3rd Brigade
  • 5th Brigade
    5th Brigade
  • 6th Brigade
    6th Brigade
  • 7th Brigade
    7th Brigade
  • 8th Brigade
    8th Brigade
  • 12th Brigade
    12th Brigade
  • 13th Brigade
    13th Brigade
  • 14th Brigade
    14th Brigade
  • 15th Brigade
    15th Brigade
  • Østre Oslofjord Defence District
    Østre Oslofjord Defence District
  • Vestre Oslofjord Defence District / Telemark Regiment
    Vestre Oslofjord Defence District / Telemark Regiment
  • Akershus Defence District / Akershus Regiment
    Akershus Defence District / Akershus Regiment
  • Østoppland Defence District / Oppland Regiment
    Østoppland Defence District / Oppland Regiment
  • Vestoppland Defence District
    Vestoppland Defence District
  • Agder Defence District / Agder Regiment
    Agder Defence District / Agder Regiment
  • Rogaland Defence District / Rogaland Regiment
    Rogaland Defence District / Rogaland Regiment
  • Hordaland Defence District / Bergenhus Regiment
    Hordaland Defence District / Bergenhus Regiment
  • Fjordane Defence District / Fjordane Regiment
    Fjordane Defence District / Fjordane Regiment
  • Møre Defence District / Møre Regiment
    Møre Defence District / Møre Regiment
  • Sør-Trøndelag Defence District / Sør-Trøndelag Regiment
    Sør-Trøndelag Defence District / Sør-Trøndelag Regiment
  • Nord-Trøndelag Defence District / Nord-Trøndelag Regiment
    Nord-Trøndelag Defence District / Nord-Trøndelag Regiment
  • Sør-Hålogaland Land Defence / Sør-Hålogaland Regiment
    Sør-Hålogaland Land Defence / Sør-Hålogaland Regiment
  • Nord-Hålogaland Land Defence / Nord-Hålogaland Regiment
    Nord-Hålogaland Land Defence / Nord-Hålogaland Regiment
  • Troms Land Defence / 6th Division
    Troms Land Defence / 6th Division
  • Allied Training Centre South
    Allied Training Centre South
  • Army Supply Command (1983-1997)
    Army Supply Command (1983-1997)
  • Army Supply Command (1997-2002)
    Army Supply Command (1997-2002)
  • Army Supply Depot Nord-Norge
    Army Supply Depot Nord-Norge
  • Army Supply Depot Sør-Vestlandet
    Army Supply Depot Sør-Vestlandet
  • Army Supply Depot Trøndelag
    Army Supply Depot Trøndelag
  • Army Supply Depot Østlandet
    Army Supply Depot Østlandet
  • Army Staff School
    Army Staff School
  • Army Administration School
    Army Administration School
  • Army NCO School
    Army NCO School
  • Intendant's School and Training Department
    Intendant's School and Training Department
  • Infantry Training Department Finnmark
    Infantry Training Department Finnmark
  • NCO School for Infantry in Northern Norway
    NCO School for Infantry in Northern Norway
  • NCO School for Infantry in Northern Norway
    NCO School for Infantry in Northern Norway
  • NCO School for Infantry in Northern Norway
    NCO School for Infantry in Northern Norway
  • NCO School for Infantry in Trøndelag
    NCO School for Infantry in Trøndelag
  • NCO School for Infantry in Southern Norway
    NCO School for Infantry in Southern Norway
  • NCO School for Infantry in Southern Norway
    NCO School for Infantry in Southern Norway
  • Infantry Course Department
    Infantry Course Department
  • Shooting and Winter School for Infantry
    Shooting and Winter School for Infantry
  • Mortar Course
    Mortar Course
  • Discharged Sergeant Course
    Discharged Sergeant Course
  • Training and Competence Center for Infantry
    Training and Competence Center for Infantry
  • Training and Competence Center for Air Defense
    Training and Competence Center for Air Defense
  • NCO School for the Cavalry
    NCO School for the Cavalry
  • Nordenfjeldske Dragoon Regiment
    Nordenfjeldske Dragoon Regiment
  • Søndenfjeldske Dragoon Regiment
    Søndenfjeldske Dragoon Regiment
  • Søndenfjeldske Dragoon Regiment
    Søndenfjeldske Dragoon Regiment
  • Cavalry Weapons School
    Cavalry Weapons School
  • Cavalry Training School
    Cavalry Training School
  • Staff and Management Coach
    Staff and Management Coach
  • Reconnaissance Squadron
    Reconnaissance Squadron
  • Armoured Squadron
    Armoured Squadron
  • Armoured Squadron Østlandet
    Armoured Squadron Østlandet
  • Anti-Tank Squadron
    Anti-Tank Squadron
  • Anti-Tank Wing
    Anti-Tank Wing
  • 1st Armoured Battalion
    1st Armoured Battalion
  • Combat Squadron
    Combat Squadron
  • Garrison of Porsanger
  • Garrison of Porsanger Armoured Squad
  • Artillery
  • Army Artillery
    Army Artillery
  • Field Artillery
    Field Artillery
  • Artillery Inspector
    Artillery Inspector
  • Field Artillery NCO School
    Field Artillery NCO School
  • Artillery NCO School
    Artillery NCO School
  • Artillery NCO School
    Artillery NCO School
  • Artillery NCO School
    Artillery NCO School
  • Artillery Sergeant Course
    Artillery Sergeant Course
  • Artillery Sergeant Course
    Artillery Sergeant Course
  • Artillery Shooting School
    Artillery Shooting School
  • 1st Artillery Regiment
    1st Artillery Regiment
  • 2nd Artillery Regiment
    2nd Artillery Regiment
  • 2nd Artillery Regiment
    2nd Artillery Regiment
  • Artillery Regiment
    Artillery Regiment
  • Army Medical Services
    Army Medical Services
  • Medical School and Training Department
    Medical School and Training Department
  • Medical Regiment
    Medical Regiment
  • Medical Battalion
    Medical Battalion
  • Signal Regiment
    Signal Regiment
  • Engineer Regiment
    Engineer Regiment
  • Engineer Battalion
    Engineer Battalion
  • NCO School for Engineers
    NCO School for Engineers
  • Transport Corps School and Training Department
    Transport Corps School and Training Department
  • Transport Company
    Transport Company
  • Logistic Regiment
    Logistic Regiment
  • Support Regiment in Southern Norway
    Support Regiment in Southern Norway
  • Logistics Battalion
    Logistics Battalion
  • Logistics Education and Competence Center
    Logistics Education and Competence Center
  • Combat Training Centre
    Combat Training Centre
  • Combat Centre
    Combat Centre
  • Tactical Training Centre
    Tactical Training Centre
  • Weapons Technical Regiment
    Weapons Technical Regiment
  • Weapons Technical Corps
    Weapons Technical Corps
  • Weapons Technical Corps Vocational School
    Weapons Technical Corps Vocational School
  • Weapons Technical Corps NCO School
    Weapons Technical Corps NCO School
  • Heistadmoen Technical Workshop
    Heistadmoen Technical Workshop
  • Electronic Warfare Company
    Electronic Warfare Company
  • Technical Sensor Squadron
    Technical Sensor Squadron
  • All Source Intelligence Cell
    All Source Intelligence Cell
  • Norwegian Infantry Battalion
    Norwegian Infantry Battalion
  • Norwegian Mechanized Infantry Battalion
    Norwegian Mechanized Infantry Battalion
  • Norwegian Rifle Company
    Norwegian Rifle Company
  • Reinforcement Forces
    Reinforcement Forces
  • Reaction and Follow-On Forces
    Reaction and Follow-On Forces
  • Theatre Enabling Forces
    Theatre Enabling Forces
  • Signal Company
    Signal Company
  • National Support Element
    National Support Element
  • Norwegian NATO Element in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
  • Civil-Military Cooperation
    Civil-Military Cooperation

Royal Norwegian Navy

  • Royal Norwegian Navy
  • Chief of the Royal Norwegian Navy
    Chief of the Royal Norwegian Navy
  • Navy Staff
    Navy Staff
  • Norwegian Task Group
    Norwegian Task Group
  • Norwegian Fleet
    Norwegian Fleet
  • Coast Guard
  • Chief of the Coast Guard
    Chief of the Coast Guard
  • Medical Service
    Medical Service
  • Harald Haarfagre Basic Training Establishment
    Harald Haarfagre Basic Training Establishment
  • Tordenskjold Naval Training Establishment
    Tordenskjold Naval Training Establishment
  • Naval Co-operation and Guidance for Shipping
    Naval Co-operation and Guidance for Shipping
  • Haakonsvern Naval Base
  • Ramsund Naval Base
    Ramsund Naval Base
  • 1st Frigate Squadron
    1st Frigate Squadron
  • 1st Corvette Squadron
    1st Corvette Squadron
  • 1st Minesweeper Squadron
    1st Minesweeper Squadron
  • Submarine Service
    Submarine Service
  • Submarine School
    Submarine School
  • Coastal Ranger Commando
  • EOD Command
  • Fleet Logistics Command
    Fleet Logistics Command
  • Sea Logistics Base
    Sea Logistics Base
Former arms of the Norwegian Navy
  • Royal Norwegian Navy
  • Inspector General of the Royal Norwegian Navy
    Inspector General of the Royal Norwegian Navy
  • Navy Staff
    Navy Staff
  • Coastal Artillery
    Coastal Artillery
  • Coastal Artillery
    Coastal Artillery
  • Coastal Artillery
    Coastal Artillery
  • Sea Home Guard (Navy variant)
    Sea Home Guard (Navy variant)
  • Fleet Inspector
    Fleet Inspector
  • Coastal Artillery Inspector
    Coastal Artillery Inspector
  • Coast Guard Inspector
    Coast Guard Inspector
  • Escort Vessel Inspector
    Escort Vessel Inspector
  • Missile Torpedo Boat Inspector
    Missile Torpedo Boat Inspector
  • Mine Vessel Inspector
    Mine Vessel Inspector
  • Naval Academy
  • Navy Schools
    Navy Schools
  • Navy NCO School
    Navy NCO School
  • Fleet NCO School
    Fleet NCO School
  • Naval Corps
    Naval Corps
  • Coastal Artillery NCO School
    Coastal Artillery NCO School
  • Machine and Electrical School
    Machine and Electrical School
  • Canine School (Navy variant)
    Canine School (Navy variant)
  • Hysnes Training Department
    Hysnes Training Department
  • Trondenes Training Department
    Trondenes Training Department
  • Submarines Branch
    Submarines Branch
  • Frigate Arm Training Centre
    Frigate Arm Training Centre
  • Corvette Division
    Corvette Division
  • MTB Arm Training Centre
    MTB Arm Training Centre
  • Mine Branch
    Mine Branch
  • Mine Branch Training Centre
    Mine Branch Training Centre
  • Fleet Ranger Branch
    Fleet Ranger Branch
  • Fleet Ranger Branch Training Centre
    Fleet Ranger Branch Training Centre
  • EOD Command
  • Tactical Boat Squadron
  • Coastal Combat Flotilla
    Coastal Combat Flotilla
  • 1st Patrol Boat Division
    1st Patrol Boat Division
  • 21st Missile Torpedo Boat Squadron
    21st Missile Torpedo Boat Squadron
  • 30th Missile Torpedo Boat Flotilla
    30th Missile Torpedo Boat Flotilla
  • Landing Craft Squadron
    Landing Craft Squadron
  • Supply Command
    Supply Command
  • Fleet Logistics Arm
    Fleet Logistics Arm
  • Navy Command East
    Navy Command East
  • Navy Command South
    Navy Command South
  • Sørlandet Naval District
    Sørlandet Naval District
  • Trøndelag Naval District
    Trøndelag Naval District
  • Vestlandet Naval District
    Vestlandet Naval District
  • Naval District North
    Naval District North
  • Naval District South
    Naval District South
  • Harstad Naval District
    Harstad Naval District
  • Rogaland Naval District
    Rogaland Naval District
  • Coast Guard Squadron North
    Coast Guard Squadron North
  • Coast Guard Squadron South
    Coast Guard Squadron South
  • Royal Norwegian Fleet Music
    Royal Norwegian Fleet Music
  • Bolærne Fort
    Bolærne Fort
  • Breiviknes Fort
    Breiviknes Fort
  • Grøtsund Fort
    Grøtsund Fort
  • Grøtsund Fort (Variant)
    Grøtsund Fort (Variant)
  • Herdla Fort
    Herdla Fort
  • Korshamn Fort
    Korshamn Fort
  • Kråkvåg Fort
    Kråkvåg Fort
  • Meløyvær Fort
    Meløyvær Fort
  • Nes Fort
    Nes Fort
  • Oscarsborg Fortress
  • Rødbergodden Fort
    Rødbergodden Fort
  • Skjeljanger Fort
    Skjeljanger Fort
  • Vardøhus Fortress
  • Visterøy Fort
    Visterøy Fort
  • Årøybukt Fort
    Årøybukt Fort
  • Coastal Radar North
    Coastal Radar North
  • Coastal Radar South
    Coastal Radar South

Ship arms of the Navy

Former ship arms of the Navy

Royal Norwegian Air Force

  • Royal Norwegian Air Force
  • Chief of the Royal Norwegian Air Force
    Chief of the Royal Norwegian Air Force
  • Air Force Staff
    Air Force Staff
  • Norwegian Joint Air Operations Centre
    Norwegian Joint Air Operations Centre
  • Air Operations Inspectorate
    Air Operations Inspectorate
  • Flight Safety Inspectorate
    Flight Safety Inspectorate
  • Air Force School Centre
    Air Force School Centre
  • Air Force Flight School
    Air Force Flight School
  • Air Force Weapons School
    Air Force Weapons School
  • Flight Operational Training Centre
    Flight Operational Training Centre
  • Air Defence Tactical School
    Air Defence Tactical School
  • Base Defence Tactical School
    Base Defence Tactical School
  • Norwegian Armed Forces Electronic Warfare Centre
    Norwegian Armed Forces Electronic Warfare Centre
  • 130 Air Wing
    130 Air Wing
  • 132 Air Wing
    132 Air Wing
  • 133 Air Wing
    133 Air Wing
  • 134 Air Wing
    134 Air Wing
  • Maritime Helicopter Wing
    Maritime Helicopter Wing
  • 330 Squadron
  • 331 Squadron
  • 332 Squadron
  • 333 Squadron
  • 334 Squadron
  • 335 Squadron
    335 Squadron
  • 337 Squadron
  • 339 Squadron
    339 Squadron
  • Air Defence Artillery
    Air Defence Artillery
  • Air Defence Battalion
    Air Defence Battalion
  • Air Defence Battalion Evenes
    Air Defence Battalion Evenes
  • Base Defence Battalion Evenes
    Base Defence Battalion Evenes
  • Base Defence Battalion Ørland
    Base Defence Battalion Ørland
Former arms of the Royal Norwegian Air Force

Norwegian Home Guard

Former arms of the Norwegian Home Guard

Cyber Defence Force

  • Cyber Defence Force
  • Chief of the Cyber Defence
    Chief of the Cyber Defence
  • CIS-Regiment
  • Cybersecurity Centre
    Cybersecurity Centre
  • Cyber Defence Weapons School
    Cyber Defence Weapons School
  • Cyber Defence ICT services
    Cyber Defence ICT services
  • Base Support and Alarm Services
    Base Support and Alarm Services
  • Digitization Department
    Digitization Department
  • Communication and Information Systems Task Group
    Communication and Information Systems Task Group
  • Competence and Transformation Department (former)
    Competence and Transformation Department (former)
  • Armed Forces Archival Service (former)
    Armed Forces Archival Service (former)

Special Operations Command

Defence University College

Intelligence Service

North Atlantic Treaty Organization

Counties and municipalities


Arms for Agder county and the municipalities (current and former) within it:

Municipalities of Agder
Former arms from Agder


Arms for Akershus county and the municipalities (current and former) within it:

Municipalities of Akershus
Former arms from Akershus


Arms for Buskerud county and the municipalities (current and former) within it:

Municipalities of Buskerud
Former arms from Buskerud


Arms for Finnmark county and the municipalities (current and former) within it:

Municipalities of Finnmark
Former arms from Finnmark


Arms for Innlandet county and the municipalities (current and former) within it:

Municipalities of Innlandet
Former arms from Innlandet

Møre og Romsdal

Arms for Møre og Romsdal county and the municipalities (current and former) within it:

Municipalities of Møre og Romsdal
Former arms from Møre og Romsdal


Arms for Nordland county and the municipalities (current and former) within it:

Municipalities of Nordland
Former arms from Nordland


Arms for Oslo county:


Arms for Rogaland county and the municipalities (current and former) within it:

Municipalities of Rogaland
Former arms from Rogaland


Arms for Telemark county and the municipalities (current and former) within it:

Municipalities of Telemark
Former arms from Telemark


Arms for Troms county and the municipalities (current and former) within it:

Municipalities of Troms
Former arms from Troms


Arms for Trondelag county and the municipalities (current and former) within it:

Municipalities of Trøndelag
Former arms from Trøndelag


Arms for Vestfold county and the municipalities (current and former) within it:

Municipalities of Vestfold
Former arms from Vestfold


Arms for Vestland county and the municipalities (current and former) within it:

Municipalities of Vestland
Former arms from Vestland


Arms for Østfold county and the municipalities (current and former) within it:

Municipalities of Østfold
Former arms from Østfold

  • v
  • t
  • e
Sovereign states
States with limited
  • Abkhazia
  • Kosovo
  • Northern Cyprus
  • South Ossetia
  • Transnistria
Dependencies and
other entities