Hadamard three-lines theorem

In complex analysis, a branch of mathematics, the Hadamard three-line theorem is a result about the behaviour of holomorphic functions defined in regions bounded by parallel lines in the complex plane. The theorem is named after the French mathematician Jacques Hadamard.


Hadamard three-line theorem — Let f ( z ) {\displaystyle f(z)} be a bounded function of z = x + i y {\displaystyle z=x+iy} defined on the strip

{ x + i y : a x b } , {\displaystyle \{x+iy:a\leq x\leq b\},}

holomorphic in the interior of the strip and continuous on the whole strip. If

M ( x ) = sup y | f ( x + i y ) | {\displaystyle M(x)=\sup _{y}|f(x+iy)|}

then log M ( x ) {\displaystyle \log M(x)} is a convex function on [ a , b ] . {\displaystyle [a,b].}

In other words, if x = t a + ( 1 t ) b {\displaystyle x=ta+(1-t)b} with 0 t 1 , {\displaystyle 0\leq t\leq 1,} then

M ( x ) M ( a ) t M ( b ) 1 t . {\displaystyle M(x)\leq M(a)^{t}M(b)^{1-t}.}

Define F ( z ) {\displaystyle F(z)} by

F ( z ) = f ( z ) M ( a ) z b b a M ( b ) z a a b {\displaystyle F(z)=f(z)M(a)^{z-b \over b-a}M(b)^{z-a \over a-b}}

where | F ( z ) | 1 {\displaystyle |F(z)|\leq 1} on the edges of the strip. The result follows once it is shown that the inequality also holds in the interior of the strip. After an affine transformation in the coordinate z , {\displaystyle z,} it can be assumed that a = 0 {\displaystyle a=0} and b = 1. {\displaystyle b=1.} The function

F n ( z ) = F ( z ) e z 2 / n e 1 / n {\displaystyle F_{n}(z)=F(z)e^{z^{2}/n}e^{-1/n}}

tends to 0 {\displaystyle 0} as | z | {\displaystyle |z|} tends to infinity and satisfies | F n | 1 {\displaystyle |F_{n}|\leq 1} on the boundary of the strip. The maximum modulus principle can therefore be applied to F n {\displaystyle F_{n}} in the strip. So | F n ( z ) | 1. {\displaystyle |F_{n}(z)|\leq 1.} Because F n ( z ) {\displaystyle F_{n}(z)} tends to F ( z ) {\displaystyle F(z)} as n {\displaystyle n} tends to infinity, it follows that | F ( z ) | 1. {\displaystyle |F(z)|\leq 1.}


The three-line theorem can be used to prove the Hadamard three-circle theorem for a bounded continuous function g ( z ) {\displaystyle g(z)} on an annulus { z : r | z | R } , {\displaystyle \{z:r\leq |z|\leq R\},} holomorphic in the interior. Indeed applying the theorem to

f ( z ) = g ( e z ) , {\displaystyle f(z)=g(e^{z}),}

shows that, if

m ( s ) = sup | z | = e s | g ( z ) | , {\displaystyle m(s)=\sup _{|z|=e^{s}}|g(z)|,}

then log m ( s ) {\displaystyle \log \,m(s)} is a convex function of s . {\displaystyle s.}

The three-line theorem also holds for functions with values in a Banach space and plays an important role in complex interpolation theory. It can be used to prove Hölder's inequality for measurable functions

| g h | ( | g | p ) 1 p ( | h | q ) 1 q , {\displaystyle \int |gh|\leq \left(\int |g|^{p}\right)^{1 \over p}\cdot \left(\int |h|^{q}\right)^{1 \over q},}

where 1 p + 1 q = 1 , {\displaystyle {1 \over p}+{1 \over q}=1,} by considering the function

f ( z ) = | g | p z | h | q ( 1 z ) . {\displaystyle f(z)=\int |g|^{pz}|h|^{q(1-z)}.}

See also


  • Hadamard, Jacques (1896), "Sur les fonctions entières" (PDF), Bull. Soc. Math. Fr., 24: 186–187 (the original announcement of the theorem)
  • Reed, Michael; Simon, Barry (1975), Methods of modern mathematical physics, Volume 2: Fourier analysis, self-adjointness, Elsevier, pp. 33–34, ISBN 0-12-585002-6
  • Ullrich, David C. (2008), Complex made simple, Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 97, American Mathematical Society, pp. 386–387, ISBN 978-0-8218-4479-3