Hrushovski construction

In model theory, a branch of mathematical logic, the Hrushovski construction generalizes the Fraïssé limit by working with a notion of strong substructure {\displaystyle \leq } rather than {\displaystyle \subseteq } . It can be thought of as a kind of "model-theoretic forcing", where a (usually) stable structure is created, called the generic or rich [1] model. The specifics of {\displaystyle \leq } determine various properties of the generic, with its geometric properties being of particular interest. It was initially used by Ehud Hrushovski to generate a stable structure with an "exotic" geometry, thereby refuting Zil'ber's Conjecture.

Three conjectures

The initial applications of the Hrushovski construction refuted two conjectures and answered a third question in the negative. Specifically, we have:

  • Lachlan's Conjecture. Any stable 0 {\displaystyle \aleph _{0}} -categorical theory is totally transcendental.[2]
  • Zil'ber's Conjecture. Any uncountably categorical theory is either locally modular or interprets an algebraically closed field.[3]
  • Cherlin's Question. Is there a maximal (with respect to expansions) strongly minimal set?

The construction

Let L be a finite relational language. Fix C a class of finite L-structures which are closed under isomorphisms and substructures. We want to strengthen the notion of substructure; let {\displaystyle \leq } be a relation on pairs from C satisfying:

  • A B {\displaystyle A\leq B} implies A B . {\displaystyle A\subseteq B.}
  • A B C {\displaystyle A\subseteq B\subseteq C} and A C {\displaystyle A\leq C} implies A B {\displaystyle A\leq B}
  • A {\displaystyle \varnothing \leq A} for all A C . {\displaystyle A\in \mathbf {C} .}
  • A B {\displaystyle A\leq B} implies A C B C {\displaystyle A\cap C\leq B\cap C} for all C C . {\displaystyle C\in \mathbf {C} .}
  • If f : A A {\displaystyle f\colon A\to A'} is an isomorphism and A B {\displaystyle A\leq B} , then f {\displaystyle f} extends to an isomorphism B B {\displaystyle B\to B'} for some superset of A {\displaystyle A'} with A B . {\displaystyle A'\leq B'.}

Definition. An embedding f : A D {\displaystyle f:A\hookrightarrow D} is strong if f ( A ) D . {\displaystyle f(A)\leq D.}

Definition. The pair ( C , ) {\displaystyle (\mathbf {C} ,\leq )} has the amalgamation property if A B 1 , B 2 {\displaystyle A\leq B_{1},B_{2}} then there is a D C {\displaystyle D\in \mathbf {C} } so that each B i {\displaystyle B_{i}} embeds strongly into D {\displaystyle D} with the same image for A . {\displaystyle A.}

Definition. For infinite D {\displaystyle D} and A C , {\displaystyle A\in \mathbf {C} ,} we say A D {\displaystyle A\leq D} iff A X {\displaystyle A\leq X} for A X D , X C . {\displaystyle A\subseteq X\subseteq D,X\in \mathbf {C} .}

Definition. For any A D , {\displaystyle A\subseteq D,} the closure of A {\displaystyle A} in D , {\displaystyle D,} denoted by cl D ( A ) , {\displaystyle \operatorname {cl} _{D}(A),} is the smallest superset of A {\displaystyle A} satisfying cl ( A ) D . {\displaystyle \operatorname {cl} (A)\leq D.}

Definition. A countable structure G {\displaystyle G} is ( C , ) {\displaystyle (\mathbf {C} ,\leq )} -generic if:

  • For A ω G , A C . {\displaystyle A\subseteq _{\omega }G,A\in \mathbf {C} .}
  • For A G , {\displaystyle A\leq G,} if A B {\displaystyle A\leq B} then there is a strong embedding of B {\displaystyle B} into G {\displaystyle G} over A . {\displaystyle A.}
  • G {\displaystyle G} has finite closures: for every A ω G , cl G ( A ) {\displaystyle A\subseteq _{\omega }G,\operatorname {cl} _{G}(A)} is finite.

Theorem. If ( C , ) {\displaystyle (\mathbf {C} ,\leq )} has the amalgamation property, then there is a unique ( C , ) {\displaystyle (\mathbf {C} ,\leq )} -generic.

The existence proof proceeds in imitation of the existence proof for Fraïssé limits. The uniqueness proof comes from an easy back and forth argument.


  1. ^ Slides on Hrushovski construction from Frank Wagner
  2. ^ E. Hrushovski. A stable 0 {\displaystyle \aleph _{0}} -categorical pseudoplane. Preprint, 1988
  3. ^ E. Hrushovski. A new strongly minimal set. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 52:147–166, 1993