Lester's theorem

Several points associated with a scalene triangle lie on the same circle
The Fermat points X 13 , X 14 {\displaystyle X_{13},X_{14}} , the center X 5 {\displaystyle X_{5}} of the nine-point circle (light blue), and the circumcenter X 3 {\displaystyle X_{3}} of the green triangle lie on the Lester circle (black).

In Euclidean plane geometry, Lester's theorem states that in any scalene triangle, the two Fermat points, the nine-point center, and the circumcenter lie on the same circle. The result is named after June Lester, who published it in 1997,[1] and the circle through these points was called the Lester circle by Clark Kimberling.[2] Lester proved the result by using the properties of complex numbers; subsequent authors have given elementary proofs[3][4][5][6], proofs using vector arithmetic,[7] and computerized proofs.[8] The center of the Lester circle is also a triangle center. It is the center designated as X(1116) in the Encyclopedia of Triangle Centers. [9] Recently, Peter Moses discovered 21 other triangle centers lie on the Lester circle. The points are numbered X(15535) – X(15555) in the Encyclopedia of Triangle Centers.[10]

Gibert's generalization

In 2000, Bernard Gibert proposed a generalization of the Lester Theorem involving the Kiepert hyperbola of a triangle. His result can be stated as follows: Every circle with a diameter that is a chord of the Kiepert hyperbola and perpendicular to the triangle's Euler line passes through the Fermat points. [11][12]

Dao's generalizations

Dao's first generalization

In 2014, Dao Thanh Oai extended Gibert's result to every rectangular hyperbola. The generalization is as follows: Let H {\displaystyle H} and G {\displaystyle G} lie on one branch of a rectangular hyperbola, and let F + {\displaystyle F_{+}} and F {\displaystyle F_{-}} be the two points on the hyperbola that are symmetrical about its center (antipodal points), where the tangents at these points are parallel to the line H G {\displaystyle HG} . Let K + {\displaystyle K_{+}} and K {\displaystyle K_{-}} be two points on the hyperbola where the tangents intersect at a point E {\displaystyle E} on the line H G {\displaystyle HG} . If the line K + K {\displaystyle K_{+}K_{-}} intersects H G {\displaystyle HG} at D {\displaystyle D} , and the perpendicular bisector of D E {\displaystyle DE} intersects the hyperbola at G + {\displaystyle G_{+}} and G {\displaystyle G_{-}} , then the six points F + {\displaystyle F_{+}} , F , {\displaystyle F_{-},} E , {\displaystyle E,} F , {\displaystyle F,} G + {\displaystyle G_{+}} , and G {\displaystyle G_{-}} lie on a circle. When the rectangular hyperbola is the Kiepert hyperbola and F + {\displaystyle F_{+}} and F {\displaystyle F_{-}} are the two Fermat points, Dao's generalization becomes Gibert's generalization. [12][13]

Dao's second generalization

In 2015, Dao Thanh Oai proposed another generalization of the Lester circle, this time associated with the Neuberg cubic. It can be stated as follows: Let P {\displaystyle P} be a point on the Neuberg cubic, and let P A {\displaystyle P_{A}} be the reflection of P {\displaystyle P} in the line B C {\displaystyle BC} , with P B {\displaystyle P_{B}} and P C {\displaystyle P_{C}} defined cyclically. The lines A P A {\displaystyle AP_{A}} , B P B {\displaystyle BP_{B}} , and C P C {\displaystyle CP_{C}} are known to be concurrent at a point denoted as Q ( P ) {\displaystyle Q(P)} . The four points X 13 {\displaystyle X_{13}} , X 14 {\displaystyle X_{14}} , P {\displaystyle P} , and Q ( P ) {\displaystyle Q(P)} lie on a circle. When P {\displaystyle P} is the point X ( 3 ) {\displaystyle X(3)} , it is known that Q ( P ) = Q ( X 3 ) = X 5 {\displaystyle Q(P)=Q(X_{3})=X_{5}} , making Dao's generalization a restatement of the Lester Theorem. [13][14][15][16]

See also


  1. ^ Lester, June A. (1997), "Triangles. III. Complex triangle functions", Aequationes Mathematicae, 53 (1–2): 4–35, doi:10.1007/BF02215963, MR 1436263, S2CID 119667124
  2. ^ Kimberling, Clark (1996), "Lester circle", The Mathematics Teacher, 89 (1): 26, JSTOR 27969621
  3. ^ Shail, Ron (2001), "A proof of Lester's theorem", The Mathematical Gazette, 85 (503): 226–232, doi:10.2307/3622007, JSTOR 3622007, S2CID 125392368
  4. ^ Rigby, John (2003), "A simple proof of Lester's theorem", The Mathematical Gazette, 87 (510): 444–452, doi:10.1017/S0025557200173620, JSTOR 3621279, S2CID 125214460
  5. ^ Scott, J. A. (2003), "Two more proofs of Lester's theorem", The Mathematical Gazette, 87 (510): 553–566, doi:10.1017/S0025557200173917, JSTOR 3621308, S2CID 125997675
  6. ^ Duff, Michael (2005), "A short projective proof of Lester's theorem", The Mathematical Gazette, 89 (516): 505–506, doi:10.1017/S0025557200178581, S2CID 125894605
  7. ^ Dolan, Stan (2007), "Man versus computer", The Mathematical Gazette, 91 (522): 469–480, doi:10.1017/S0025557200182117, JSTOR 40378420, S2CID 126161757
  8. ^ Trott, Michael (1997), "Applying GroebnerBasis to three problems in geometry", Mathematica in Education and Research, 6 (1): 15–28
  9. ^ Clark Kimberling, X(1116) = CENTER OF THE LESTER CIRCLE in Encyclopedia of Triangle Centers
  10. ^ Peter Moses, Preamble before X(15535) in Encyclopedia of Triangle Centers
  11. ^ Paul Yiu, The circles of Lester, Evans, Parry, and their generalizations, Forum Geometricorum, volume 10, pages 175–209, ISSN 1534-1178
  12. ^ a b Dao Thanh Oai, A Simple Proof of Gibert’s Generalization of the Lester Circle Theorem, Forum Geometricorum, volume 14, pages 201–202, ISSN 1534-1178
  13. ^ a b Ngo Quang Duong, Generalization of the Lester circle, Global Journal of Advanced Research on Classical and Modern Geometries, Vol.10, (2021), Issue 1, pages 49–61, ISSN 2284-5569
  14. ^ Dao Thanh Oai, Generalizations of some famous classical Euclidean geometry theorems, International Journal of Computer Discovered Mathematics, Vol.1, (2016), Issue 3, pages 13–20, ISSN 2367-7775
  15. ^ Kimberling, X(7668) = POLE OF X(115)X(125) WITH RESPECT TO THE NINE-POINT CIRCLE in Encyclopedia of Triangle Centers
  16. ^ César Eliud Lozada, Preamble before X(42740) in Encyclopedia of Triangle Centers