List of municipalities in Cuenca

Map of Spain with the province of Cuenca highlighted
Map of Spain with the province of Cuenca highlighted
Map of the province of Cuenca with its municipalities
Map of the municipalities in the province of Cuenca

Cuenca is a province in the autonomous community of Castilla–La Mancha, Spain that is divided into 238 municipalities. According to the 2023 Spanish census, the province is the 44th largest by population with 198,436 inhabitants[1] but is the 5th largest by land area spanning 17,138.65 square kilometres (6,617.27 sq mi).[2] Municipalities enjoy a large degree of autonomy in their local administration. Amongst other tasks, they are in charge of urban planning, water supply, lighting, road network, local police and fire fighting.[3]

Municipalities are the basic local political division in Spain,[4] and can only belong to one province.[5] The organisation of the municipalities is outlined in a local government law (Ley 7/1985, de 2 de abril, Reguladora de las Bases del Régimen Local) passed on 2 April 1985,[6] completed by an 18 April 1986 royal decree.[7] The Statute of Autonomy of Castilla–La Mancha also contains provisions concerning the relations between the municipalities and the autonomous government of Castilla–La Mancha.[8] All citizens of Spain are required to register in the municipality in which they reside.[9] Each municipality is a corporation with independent legal personhood: its governing body is called the ayuntamiento (municipal council or corporation),[10] a term often also used to refer to the municipal offices (city and town halls). The ayuntamiento is composed of the mayor (Spanish: alcalde), the deputy mayors (tenientes de alcalde) and the plenary assembly (pleno) of councillors (concejales).[11] Municipalities are categorised by population for the purpose of determining the number of concejales: three when the population is up to 100 inhabitants, five for 101–250, seven for 251–1,000, nine for 1,001–2,000, eleven for 2,001–5,000, thirteen for 5,001–10,000, seventeen for 10,001–20,000, twenty-one for 20,001–50,000 and twenty-five for 50,001–100,000.[12]

The mayor and the deputy mayors are elected by the plenary assembly, which is itself elected by universal suffrage.[13] Elections in municipalities with more than 250 inhabitants are carried out following a proportional representation system with closed lists,[14] whilst those with a population lower than 250 use a block plurality voting system with open lists.[15] The plenary assembly must meet periodically at the seat of the ayuntamiento, more or less often depending on the population of the municipality: monthly for those whose population is larger than 20,000, once every two months if it ranges between 5,001 and 20,000, and once every three months if it does not exceed 5,000.[16] Many ayuntamientos also have a local governing board (Spanish: junta de gobierno local), named by the mayor from amongst the councillors—it is required for municipalities of more than 5,000 inhabitants.[11] The junta de gobierno local, whose role is to assist the mayor between meetings of the plenary assembly, may not include more than one third of the councillors.[17]

The largest municipality by population in the province of Cuenca as of the 2023 Spanish census is Cuenca, its capital, with 53,630 residents, while the smallest is Abia de la Obispalía with 61 residents.[18] The largest municipality by area is also Cuenca, which spans 910.88 km², while Casas de Guijarro is the smallest at 8.20 km².[2]


  • Largest municipalities in the province of Cuenca by population
  • Panoramic view of Cuenca
    Cuenca is the province's capital and largest municipality by population.
  • Street in Tarancón
    Tarancón, the second largest municipality by population in the province of Cuenca
  • Town hall of Quintanar del Rey
    Quintanar del Rey is the province of Cuenca's third largest municipality by population.
  • Main square in San Clemente
    San Clemente, the province of Cuenca's fourth largest municipality by population

  Provincial capital

Municipalities in the province of Cuenca
Name Population
(2023 census)[18]
(2011 census)[19]
Change Land area (km²)[2] Population density
Abia de la Obispalía 61 75 −18.7% 63.05 1.0/km2
El Acebrón 226 255 −11.4% 22.12 10.2/km2
Alarcón 172 180 −4.4% 119.96 1.4/km2
Albaladejo del Cuende 228 334 −31.7% 55.19 4.1/km2
Albalate de las Nogueras 268 292 −8.2% 40.11 6.7/km2
Albendea 126 146 −13.7% 38.20 3.3/km2
La Alberca de Záncara 1,569 1,849 −15.1% 100.62 15.6/km2
Alcalá de la Vega 83 120 −30.8% 69.25 1.2/km2
Alcantud 56 84 −33.3% 57.63 1.0/km2
Alcázar del Rey 160 192 −16.7% 46.50 3.4/km2
Alcohujate 19 42 −54.8% 27.29 0.7/km2
Alconchel de la Estrella 82 132 −37.9% 42.94 1.9/km2
Algarra 28 22 +27.3% 41.91 0.7/km2
Aliaguilla 618 760 −18.7% 105.91 5.8/km2
La Almarcha 435 515 −15.5% 64.36 6.8/km2
Almendros 249 284 −12.3% 63.11 3.9/km2
Almodóvar del Pinar 394 460 −14.3% 95.03 4.1/km2
Almonacid del Marquesado 437 467 −6.4% 47.15 9.3/km2
Altarejos 212 239 −11.3% 91.32 2.3/km2
Arandilla del Arroyo 11 18 −38.9% 19.48 0.6/km2
Arcas 2,155 1,448 +48.8% 81.52 26.4/km2
Arcos de la Sierra 77 108 −28.7% 40.50 1.9/km2
Arguisuelas 134 149 −10.1% 49.61 2.7/km2
Arrancacepas 16 30 −46.7% 18.56 0.9/km2
Atalaya del Cañavate 105 138 −23.9% 46.36 2.3/km2
Barajas de Melo 1,020 1,050 −2.9% 136.83 7.5/km2
Barchín del Hoyo 95 91 +4.4% 65.25 1.5/km2
Bascuñana de San Pedro 26 24 +8.3% 19.63 1.3/km2
Beamud 55 57 −3.5% 23.38 2.4/km2
Belinchón 403 381 +5.8% 80.30 5.0/km2
Belmonte 1,795 2,126 −15.6% 92.63 19.4/km2
Belmontejo 135 224 −39.7% 52.23 2.6/km2
Beteta 239 340 −29.7% 115.00 2.1/km2
Boniches 146 141 +3.5% 53.02 2.8/km2
Buciegas 39 48 −18.7% 9.01 4.3/km2
Buenache de Alarcón 457 591 −22.7% 64.16 7.1/km2
Buenache de la Sierra 113 111 +1.8% 57.67 2.0/km2
Buendía 419 468 −10.5% 88.50 4.7/km2
Campillo de Altobuey 1,290 1,619 −20.3% 172.41 7.5/km2
Campillos-Paravientos 107 124 −13.7% 54.34 2.0/km2
Campillos-Sierra 29 57 −49.1% 38.03 0.8/km2
Campos del Paraíso 681 922 −26.1% 216.89 3.1/km2
Canalejas del Arroyo 172 283 −39.2% 60.95 2.8/km2
Cañada del Hoyo 244 289 −15.6% 89.75 2.7/km2
Cañada Juncosa 220 296 −25.7% 42.72 5.1/km2
Cañamares 453 528 −14.2% 40.52 11.2/km2
El Cañavate 139 162 −14.2% 36.10 3.9/km2
Cañaveras 241 376 −35.9% 73.63 3.3/km2
Cañaveruelas 117 173 −32.4% 33.57 3.5/km2
Cañete 810 932 −13.1% 86.96 9.3/km2
Cañizares 443 526 −15.8% 76.24 5.8/km2
Carboneras de Guadazaón 775 809 −4.2% 100.65 7.7/km2
Cardenete 479 574 −16.6% 97.51 4.9/km2
Carrascosa 65 114 −43.0% 71.47 0.9/km2
Carrascosa de Haro 96 130 −26.2% 29.05 3.3/km2
Casas de Benítez 811 1,011 −19.8% 46.76 17.3/km2
Casas de Fernando Alonso 1,151 1,419 −18.9% 30.28 38.0/km2
Casas de Garcimolina 34 31 +9.7% 38.69 0.9/km2
Casas de Guijarro 112 128 −12.5% 8.20 13.7/km2
Casas de Haro 846 886 −4.5% 110.84 7.6/km2
Casas de los Pinos 421 571 −26.3% 68.22 6.2/km2
Casasimarro 3,169 3,291 −3.7% 49.62 63.9/km2
Castejón 140 171 −18.1% 43.62 3.2/km2
Castillejo de Iniesta 123 185 −33.5% 27.70 4.4/km2
Castillejo-Sierra 35 33 +6.1% 30.37 1.2/km2
Castillo-Albaráñez 23 25 −8.0% 12.43 1.9/km2
Castillo de Garcimuñoz 134 175 −23.4% 82.21 1.6/km2
Cervera del Llano 210 269 −21.9% 55.49 3.8/km2
Chillarón de Cuenca 808 606 +33.3% 39.17 20.6/km2
Chumillas 66 70 −5.7% 39.58 1.7/km2
La Cierva 38 54 −29.6% 71.70 0.5/km2
Cuenca† 53,630 56,472 −5.0% 910.88 58.9/km2
Cueva del Hierro 29 39 −25.6% 28.20 1.0/km2
Enguídanos 315 379 −16.9% 165.35 1.9/km2
Fresneda de Altarejos 40 60 −33.3% 59.90 0.7/km2
Fresneda de la Sierra 40 57 −29.8% 31.90 1.3/km2
La Frontera 153 192 −20.3% 34.57 4.4/km2
Fuente de Pedro Naharro 1,238 1,328 −6.8% 63.58 19.5/km2
Fuentelespino de Haro 237 266 −10.9% 33.44 7.1/km2
Fuentelespino de Moya 107 139 −23.0% 65.72 1.6/km2
Fuentenava de Jábaga 593 595 −0.3% 133.16 4.5/km2
Fuentes 464 494 −6.1% 107.66 4.3/km2
Fuertescusa 69 82 −15.9% 64.04 1.1/km2
Gabaldón 158 204 −22.5% 84.10 1.9/km2
Garaballa 66 98 −32.7% 69.77 0.9/km2
Gascueña 142 201 −29.4% 51.81 2.7/km2
Graja de Campalbo 89 109 −18.3% 22.30 4.0/km2
Graja de Iniesta 362 395 −8.4% 28.22 12.8/km2
Henarejos 134 191 −29.8% 145.90 0.9/km2
El Herrumblar 746 768 −2.9% 46.10 16.2/km2
La Hinojosa 191 246 −22.4% 42.11 4.5/km2
Los Hinojosos 733 958 −23.5% 114.02 6.4/km2
El Hito 146 178 −18.0% 41.22 3.5/km2
Honrubia 1,568 1,738 −9.8% 110.34 14.2/km2
Hontanaya 266 353 −24.6% 53.63 5.0/km2
Hontecillas 56 72 −22.2% 34.70 1.6/km2
Horcajo de Santiago 3,722 4,013 −7.3% 96.03 38.8/km2
Huélamo 81 150 −46.0% 79.24 1.0/km2
Huelves 90 78 +15.4% 39.34 2.3/km2
Huérguina 48 53 −9.4% 28.01 1.7/km2
Huerta de la Obispalía 143 118 +21.2% 41.88 3.4/km2
Huerta del Marquesado 177 231 −23.4% 35.69 5.0/km2
Huete 1,756 1,978 −11.2% 377.57 4.7/km2
Iniesta 4,417 4,555 −3.0% 232.28 19.0/km2
Laguna del Marquesado 58 62 −6.5% 37.91 1.5/km2
Lagunaseca 51 97 −47.4% 34.34 1.5/km2
Landete 1,245 1,355 −8.1% 79.34 15.7/km2
Ledaña 1,645 1,842 −10.7% 65.47 25.1/km2
Leganiel 223 214 +4.2% 45.10 4.9/km2
Las Majadas 224 311 −28.0% 88.33 2.5/km2
Mariana 322 287 +12.2% 39.97 8.1/km2
Masegosa 63 105 −40.0% 30.82 2.0/km2
Las Mesas 2,294 2,505 −8.4% 86.45 26.5/km2
Minglanilla 2,311 2,556 −9.6% 109.57 21.1/km2
Mira 922 1,012 −8.9% 212.86 4.3/km2
Monreal del Llano 46 78 −41.0% 39.02 1.2/km2
Montalbanejo 89 129 −31.0% 59.33 1.5/km2
Montalbo 712 764 −6.8% 73.96 9.6/km2
Monteagudo de las Salinas 138 158 −12.7% 131.86 1.0/km2
Mota de Altarejos 29 39 −25.6% 16.95 1.7/km2
Mota del Cuervo 6,084 6,274 −3.0% 176.17 34.5/km2
Motilla del Palancar 6,168 6,226 −0.9% 73.89 83.5/km2
Moya 170 194 −12.4% 91.73 1.9/km2
Narboneta 53 59 −10.2% 34.95 1.5/km2
Olivares de Júcar 317 393 −19.3% 50.00 6.3/km2
Olmeda de la Cuesta 22 37 −40.5% 23.23 0.9/km2
Olmeda del Rey 130 149 −12.8% 74.61 1.7/km2
Olmedilla de Alarcón 134 154 −13.0% 38.31 3.5/km2
Olmedilla de Eliz 22 21 +4.8% 13.31 1.7/km2
Osa de la Vega 443 594 −25.4% 53.34 8.3/km2
Pajarón 78 95 −17.9% 52.61 1.5/km2
Pajaroncillo 59 81 −27.2% 56.91 1.0/km2
Palomares del Campo 558 738 −24.4% 60.98 9.2/km2
Palomera 189 194 −2.6% 50.27 3.8/km2
Paracuellos 99 134 −26.1% 123.48 0.8/km2
Paredes 75 79 −5.1% 19.35 3.9/km2
La Parra de las Vegas 34 46 −26.1% 61.51 0.6/km2
El Pedernoso 1,126 1,272 −11.5% 56.37 20.0/km2
Las Pedroñeras 6,647 7,061 −5.9% 225.06 29.5/km2
El Peral 665 793 −16.1% 85.84 7.7/km2
La Peraleja 88 134 −34.3% 34.93 2.5/km2
La Pesquera 226 250 −9.6% 72.36 3.1/km2
El Picazo 693 737 −6.0% 24.90 27.8/km2
Pinarejo 193 292 −33.9% 61.82 3.1/km2
Pineda de Gigüela 60 75 −20.0% 29.08 2.1/km2
Piqueras del Castillo 48 70 −31.4% 45.86 1.0/km2
Portalrubio de Guadamejud 36 55 −34.5% 20.97 1.7/km2
Portilla 56 78 −28.2% 32.91 1.7/km2
Poyatos 80 86 −7.0% 45.05 1.8/km2
Pozoamargo 269 367 −26.7% 53.33 5.0/km2
Pozorrubielos de la Mancha 183 281 −34.9% 73.58 2.5/km2
Pozorrubio de Santiago 323 372 −13.2% 44.70 7.2/km2
El Pozuelo 44 74 −40.5% 41.26 1.1/km2
Priego 898 1,101 −18.4% 80.34 11.2/km2
El Provencio 2,393 2,662 −10.1% 101.60 23.6/km2
Puebla de Almenara 331 455 −27.3% 37.67 8.8/km2
Puebla del Salvador 202 239 −15.5% 48.09 4.2/km2
Quintanar del Rey 7,655 7,742 −1.1% 79.92 95.8/km2
Rada de Haro 50 72 −30.6% 32.25 1.6/km2
Reíllo 110 125 −12.0% 81.70 1.3/km2
Rozalén del Monte 59 81 −27.2% 30.63 1.9/km2
Saceda-Trasierra 42 65 −35.4% 30.92 1.4/km2
Saelices 471 630 −25.2% 80.62 5.8/km2
Salinas del Manzano 76 95 −20.0% 33.65 2.3/km2
Salmeroncillos 103 137 −24.8% 20.68 5.0/km2
Salvacañete 298 319 −6.6% 120.28 2.5/km2
San Clemente 6,794 7,419 −8.4% 277.51 24.5/km2
San Lorenzo de la Parrilla 1,108 1,259 −12.0% 59.89 18.5/km2
San Martín de Boniches 45 48 −6.2% 69.77 0.6/km2
San Pedro Palmiches 58 79 −26.6% 19.85 2.9/km2
Santa Cruz de Moya 225 294 −23.5% 110.74 2.0/km2
Santa María del Campo Rus 537 686 −21.7% 93.63 5.7/km2
Santa María de los Llanos 685 760 −9.9% 43.01 15.9/km2
Santa María del Val 65 72 −9.7% 47.06 1.4/km2
Sisante 1,639 1,880 −12.8% 134.36 12.2/km2
Solera de Gabaldón 34 24 +41.7% 50.49 0.7/km2
Sotorribas 698 842 −17.1% 149.21 4.7/km2
Talayuelas 874 1,041 −16.0% 106.59 8.2/km2
Tarancón 16,331 15,604 +4.7% 106.58 153.2/km2
Tébar 310 381 −18.6% 99.02 3.1/km2
Tejadillos 107 141 −24.1% 63.28 1.7/km2
Tinajas 191 275 −30.5% 46.89 4.1/km2
Torralba 111 164 −32.3% 55.49 2.0/km2
Torrejoncillo del Rey 344 501 −31.3% 201.46 1.7/km2
Torrubia del Campo 311 310 +0.3% 53.36 5.8/km2
Torrubia del Castillo 44 41 +7.3% 17.47 2.5/km2
Tragacete 268 326 −17.8% 61.75 4.3/km2
Tresjuncos 272 373 −27.1% 70.29 3.9/km2
Tribaldos 97 121 −19.8% 21.28 4.6/km2
Uclés 248 238 +4.2% 64.61 3.8/km2
Uña 88 106 −17.0% 23.55 3.7/km2
Los Valdecolmenas 71 106 −33.0% 31.31 2.3/km2
Valdemeca 83 99 −16.2% 69.82 1.2/km2
Valdemorillo de la Sierra 56 88 −36.4% 70.27 0.8/km2
Valdemoro-Sierra 110 134 −17.9% 107.64 1.0/km2
Valdeolivas 218 223 −2.2% 46.05 4.7/km2
Valdetórtola 126 171 −26.3% 103.21 1.2/km2
Las Valeras 1,589 1,667 −4.7% 113.05 14.1/km2
Valhermoso de la Fuente 76 42 +81.0% 32.12 2.4/km2
El Valle de Altomira 210 287 −26.8% 147.41 1.4/km2
Valsalobre 21 46 −54.3% 38.08 0.6/km2
Valverde de Júcar 1,080 1,224 −11.8% 56.21 19.2/km2
Valverdejo 94 109 −13.8% 32.47 2.9/km2
Vara de Rey 474 620 −23.5% 127.88 3.7/km2
Vega del Codorno 146 175 −16.6% 32.27 4.5/km2
Vellisca 118 142 −16.9% 42.98 2.7/km2
Villaconejos de Trabaque 333 442 −24.7% 31.86 10.5/km2
Villaescusa de Haro 491 551 −10.9% 93.20 5.3/km2
Villagarcía del Llano 765 838 −8.7% 116.84 6.5/km2
Villalba de la Sierra 543 553 −1.8% 41.24 13.2/km2
Villalba del Rey 489 586 −16.6% 95.07 5.1/km2
Villalgordo del Marquesado 66 101 −34.7% 30.30 2.2/km2
Villalpardo 1,008 1,147 −12.1% 31.49 32.0/km2
Villamayor de Santiago 2,418 2,896 −16.5% 181.17 13.3/km2
Villanueva de Guadamejud 62 104 −40.4% 30.61 2.0/km2
Villanueva de la Jara 2,356 2,490 −5.4% 156.06 15.1/km2
Villar de Cañas 389 424 −8.3% 70.36 5.5/km2
Villar de Domingo García 226 231 −2.2% 76.89 2.9/km2
Villar de la Encina 153 172 −11.0% 49.19 3.1/km2
Villar del Humo 192 283 −32.2% 150.05 1.3/km2
Villar del Infantado 30 40 −25.0% 21.76 1.4/km2
Villar de Olalla 1,422 1,250 +13.8% 157.83 9.0/km2
Villar y Velasco 79 99 −20.2% 61.77 1.3/km2
Villarejo de Fuentes 414 632 −34.5% 128.36 3.2/km2
Villarejo de la Peñuela 23 25 −8.0% 13.02 1.8/km2
Villarejo-Periesteban 387 421 −8.1% 33.43 11.6/km2
Villares del Saz 474 618 −23.3% 70.16 6.8/km2
Villarrubio 208 233 −10.7% 28.20 7.4/km2
Villarta 853 920 −7.3% 25.62 33.3/km2
Villas de la Ventosa 222 299 −25.8% 145.11 1.5/km2
Villaverde y Pasaconsol 338 372 −9.1% 21.20 15.9/km2
Víllora 135 163 −17.2% 68.90 2.0/km2
Vindel 18 15 +20.0% 25.25 0.7/km2
Yémeda 22 44 −50.0% 28.84 0.8/km2
Zafra de Záncara 92 146 −37.0% 78.72 1.2/km2
Zafrilla 53 92 −42.4% 106.11 0.5/km2
Zarza de Tajo 279 318 −12.3% 45.82 6.1/km2
Zarzuela 157 224 −29.9% 40.33 3.9/km2
Province of Cuenca 198,436[20] 215,165[21] −7.8% 17,138.65 11.6/km2
Castilla–La Mancha 2,084,086[20] 2,106,331[21] −1.1% 79,410.62 26.2/km2
Spain 48,085,361[20] 46,815,916[21] +2.7% 504,755.17 95.3/km2

See also


  1. ^ "Censo anual de población 2021-2023. Cifras de población. Principales resultados. 2021-2023. Población según comunidad autónoma y provincia y sexo" (in Spanish). National Statistics Institute. Retrieved 20 August 2024.
  2. ^ a b c "Nomenclátor Geográfico de Municipios y Entidades de Población" (in Spanish). Centro Nacional de Información Geográfica. Retrieved 14 July 2024.
  3. ^ BOE 1985, pp. 22–23.
  4. ^ BOE 1985, p. 11.
  5. ^ BOE 1985, p. 14.
  6. ^ BOE 1985.
  7. ^ BOE 1986.
  8. ^ BOE 1982.
  9. ^ BOE 1985, p. 15.
  10. ^ BOE 1985, pp. 13–14.
  11. ^ a b BOE 1985, p. 19.
  12. ^ LOREG 1985, pp. 64–65.
  13. ^ LOREG 1985, p. 7.
  14. ^ LOREG 1985, p. 65.
  15. ^ LOREG 1985, p. 66.
  16. ^ BOE 1985, p. 33.
  17. ^ BOE 1985, p. 21.
  18. ^ a b "Censo anual de población 2021-2023. Resultados por municipios. 2021-2023. Población por sexo, edad (grupos quinquenales) y nacionalidad (española/extranjera)" (in Spanish). National Statistics Institute. Retrieved 18 July 2024.
  19. ^ "Censos de Población y Viviendas 2011. Resultados Municipales - Cuenca. Población por municipios, sexo y edad (año a año)" (in Spanish). National Statistics Institute. Retrieved 18 July 2024.
  20. ^ a b c "Censo anual de población 2021-2023. Resultados nacionales, por comunidades autónomas y provincias. 2021-2023. Población por sexo, edad (año a año) y nacionalidad (española/extranjera)" (in Spanish). National Statistics Institute. Retrieved 18 July 2024.
  21. ^ a b c "Censos de Población y Viviendas 2011. Resultados Nacionales, por Comunidades Autónomas y Provincias. Población según comunidad autónoma y provincia y sexo" (in Spanish). National Statistics Institute. Retrieved 18 July 2024.

Works cited

  • "Ley Orgánica 9/1982, de 10 de agosto, de Estatuto de Autonomía de Castilla-La Mancha" (PDF). Boletín Oficial del Estado (in Spanish). 16 August 1982. Archived (PDF) from the original on 14 August 2024. Retrieved 19 August 2024.
  • "Ley 7/1985, de 2 de abril, Reguladora de las Bases del Régimen Local" (PDF). Boletín Oficial del Estado (in Spanish). 3 April 1985. Archived (PDF) from the original on 14 August 2024. Retrieved 19 August 2024.
  • "Ley Orgánica 5/1985, de 19 de junio, del Régimen Electoral General" (PDF). Boletín Oficial del Estado (in Spanish). 20 June 1985. Archived (PDF) from the original on 24 April 2024. Retrieved 19 August 2024.
  • "Real Decreto Legislativo 781/1986, de 18 de abril, por el que se aprueba el texto refundido de las disposiciones legales vigentes en materia de Régimen Local" (PDF). Boletín Oficial del Estado (in Spanish). 22 April 1986. Archived (PDF) from the original on 11 July 2024. Retrieved 19 August 2024.
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By autonomous communityBy province
1 Single-province autonomous communities.