Shadow Cabinet of Tommy Lapid

Status in legislatureOpposition
15 / 120 (13%)
HistoryOutgoing election2006 Israeli legislative electionLegislature term16th Knesset

The Shadow Cabinet of Tommy Lapid was created on 3 January 2005[1][2] following Shinui's withdrawal from the government in December 2004. Although the idea was considered before,[3] especially in the 1980s when Likud and the Israeli Labor Party formed large blocs in the Knesset, this was the first time a Shadow Cabinet was formed in Israel.

Shadow cabinet list

Portfolio Shadow Minister Party
Shadow Prime Minister Tommy Lapid Shinui
Shadow Vice Prime Minister Tommy Lapid Shinui
Shadow Acting Prime Minister Avraham Poraz Shinui
Shadow Minister of Agriculture Reshef Hen Shinui
Shadow Minister of Communications Avraham Poraz Shinui
Shadow Minister of Defense Ilan Shalgi Shinui
Shadow Minister of Education, Culture and Sport Meli Polishook-Bloch Shinui
Shadow Minister of the Environment Ilan Shalgi Shinui
Shadow Minister of Finance Avraham Poraz Shinui
Shadow Minister of Foreign Affairs Eliezer Sandberg Shinui
Shadow Minister of Health Ehud Rassabi Shinui
Shadow Minister of Housing and Construction Ilan Leibovitch Shinui
Shadow Minister of Immigrant Absorption Victor Brailovsky Shinui
Shadow Minister of Industry, Trade and Labour Ilan Leibovitch Shinui
Shadow Minister of Internal Affairs Roni Brizon Shinui
Shadow Minister of Internal Security not appointed
Shadow Minister of Justice Eti Livni Shinui
Shadow Minister of National Infrastructure Hemi Doron Shinui
Shadow Minister of Religious Affairs Roni Brizon Shinui
Shadow Minister of Science and Technology Meli Polishook-Bloch Shinui
Shadow Minister of Tourism Erela Golan Shinui
Shadow Minister of Transportation Ilan Leibovitch Shinui
Shadow Minister of Welfare and Social Services Yigal Yasinov Shinui


  1. ^ Minutes of the Knesset: 203rd Meeting of the 16th Knesset
  2. ^ Meet Tommy's Shadow Government: Ynet
  3. ^ Peres will not assemble a shadow cabinet: Ma'ariv, 24 March 1980