
Internet country code top-level domain for Togo
Introduced5 September 1996
TLD typeCountry code top-level domain
RegistryC.A.F.E. Informatique et Telecommunications
SponsorC.A.F.E. Informatique et Telecommunications
Intended useEntities connected with  Togo
Actual useUsed mostly related to Togo
Registration restrictionsNone
StructureRegistrations can be made directly at second level or at third level beneath various second level labels
Registry websiteNIC.tg

.tg is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Togo. Although there are no restrictions on who can register domains in this TLD, it is not often used outside Togo.

As of 2008[update], no online registration and domain maintenance features were available on the registry site, although a basic web-based whois capability is provided.

  • IANA .tg whois information
  • CAFE-CAFE Internet (en français)
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ISO 3166-1

A .ac .ad .ae .af .ag .ai .al .am .ao .aq .ar .as .at .au .aw .ax .az   B .ba .bb .bd .be .bf .bg .bh .bi .bj .bm .bn .bo .br .bs .bt .bw .by .bz   C .ca .cc .cd .cf .cg .ch .ci .ck .cl .cm .cn .co .cr .cu .cv .cw .cx .cy .cz   D .de .dj .dk .dm .do .dz   E .ec .ee .eg .er .es .et .eu   F .fi .fj .fk .fm .fo .fr   G .ga .gd .ge .gf .gg .gh .gi .gl .gm .gn .gp .gq .gr .gs .gt .gu .gw .gy   H .hk .hm .hn .hr .ht .hu   I .id .ie .il .im .in .io .iq .ir .is .it   J .je .jm .jo .jp   K .ke .kg .kh .ki .km .kn .kp .kr .kw .ky .kz   L .la .lb .lc .li .lk .lr .ls .lt .lu .lv .ly   M .ma .mc .md .me .mg .mh .mk .ml .mm .mn .mo .mp .mq .mr .ms .mt .mu .mv .mw .mx .my .mz   N .na .nc .ne .nf .ng .ni .nl .no .np .nr .nu .nz   O .om   P .pa .pe .pf .pg .ph .pk .pl .pm .pn .pr .ps .pt .pw .py   Q .qa   R .re .ro .rs .ru .rw   S .sa .sb .sc .sd .se .sg .sh .si .sk .sl .sm .sn .so .sr .ss .st .su .sv .sx .sy .sz   T .tc .td .tf .tg .th .tj .tk .tl .tm .tn .to .tr .tt .tv .tw .tz   U .ua .ug .uk .us .uy .uz   V .va .vc .ve .vg .vi .vn .vu   W .wf .ws   Y .ye .yt   Z .za .zm .zw

Cyrillic scriptArabic scriptBrahmic scriptsChinese charactersOther scripts

.κπ (kp, Cyprus) - .日本 (Nippon, Japan)

Reserved / unassignedAllocated / unusedPhased out / deleted

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