
Developer(s)Microsoft, The AROS Development Team
Operating systemMicrosoft Windows, AROS Research Operating System

In computing, tasklist is a command available in Microsoft Windows[1] and in the AROS shell.[2]

It is equivalent to the ps command in Unix and Unix-like operating systems and can also be compared with the Windows task manager (taskmgr).

Windows NT 4.0, the Windows 98 Resource Kit, the Windows 2000 Support Tools, and ReactOS[3] include the similar tlist command. Additionally, Microsoft provides the similar PsList command as part of Windows Sysinternals.[4]


Microsoft Windows

On Microsoft Windows tasklist shows all of the different local computer processes currently running. tasklist may also be used to show the processes of a remote system by using the command: tasklist /S "SYSTEM".

Optionally, they can be listed sorted by either the imagename, the PID or the amount of computer usage. But by default, they are sorted by chronological order:

 Image Name                     PID Session Name        Session#    Mem Usage
 ========================= ======== ================ =========== ============
 System Idle Process              0 Services                   0         20 K
 System                           4 Services                   0      1,008 K
 smss.exe                       300 Services                   0         84 K
 csrss.exe                      468 Services                   0        600 K
 wininit.exe                    532 Services                   0        132 K
 services.exe                   636 Services                   0      4,672 K
 lsass.exe                      644 Services                   0      6,532 K
 svchost.exe                    752 Services                   0      4,824 K
 nvvsvc.exe                     788 Services                   0        208 K
 nvSCPAPISvr.exe                812 Services                   0      1,464 K
 svchost.exe                    856 Services                   0      5,260 K
 svchost.exe                    916 Services                   0      9,308 K
 svchost.exe                    944 Services                   0     26,012 K
 svchost.exe                    128 Services                   0     13,720 K
 svchost.exe                    364 Services                   0     52,152 K
 BootRacerServ.exe             1060 Services                   0        948 K
 svchost.exe                   1108 Services                   0      9,408 K
 spoolsv.exe                   1276 Services                   0        648 K
 svchost.exe                   1308 Services                   0     16,184 K
 sqlwriter.exe                 1700 Services                   0        160 K
 svchost.exe                   1720 Services                   0        204 K
 MsMpEng.exe                   1752 Services                   0     64,556 K
 WUDFHost.exe                  2148 Services                   0        220 K
 svchost.exe                   2188 Services                   0      5,876 K
 svchost.exe                   2636 Services                   0      7,116 K
 dasHost.exe                   2808 Services                   0      5,740 K
 dllhost.exe                   1056 Services                   0        388 K
 DkService.exe                 2708 Services                   0      4,648 K
 FABS.exe                      3580 Services                   0        152 K
 daemonu.exe                   3200 Services                   0      5,584 K
 csrss.exe                     3872 Glass                      1        116 K
 winlogon.exe                  5928 Glass                      1        156 K
 LogonUI.exe                   1772 Glass                      1        512 K
 dwm.exe                       4596 Glass                      1        108 K
 csrss.exe                     5968 Glass                      4        128 K
 winlogon.exe                  3364 Glass                      4        156 K
 LogonUI.exe                   6108 Glass                      4        524 K
 dwm.exe                       4764 Glass                      4        136 K
 csrss.exe                     1408 Glass                      2        136 K
 winlogon.exe                  7732 Glass                      2        160 K
 LogonUI.exe                   2036 Glass                      2        524 K
 dwm.exe                       6236 Glass                      2        144 K
 PresentationFontCache.exe     9928 Services                   0        332 K
 csrss.exe                     4948 Glass                      5        128 K
 winlogon.exe                  3708 Glass                      5        156 K
 LogonUI.exe                   5992 Glass                      5        528 K
 dwm.exe                       8756 Glass                      5        152 K
 csrss.exe                     8068 Glass                      8        136 K
 winlogon.exe                  9000 Glass                      8        164 K
 LogonUI.exe                   8240 Glass                      8        524 K
 dwm.exe                       5576 Glass                      8        156 K
 hamachi-2.exe                 6936 Services                   0      1,544 K
 csrss.exe                     6644 Glass                      6        140 K
 winlogon.exe                  4000 Glass                      6        168 K
 LogonUI.exe                   2968 Glass                      6        516 K
 dwm.exe                       6932 Glass                      6        148 K
 csrss.exe                     2452 Glass                      9        136 K
 winlogon.exe                  6244 Glass                      9        160 K
 LogonUI.exe                   1996 Glass                      9        520 K
 dwm.exe                        384 Glass                      9        148 K
 svchost.exe                   2060 Services                   0        176 K
 csrss.exe                      268 Glass                      7        140 K
 winlogon.exe                 13088 Glass                      7        172 K
 LogonUI.exe                   4256 Glass                      7        528 K
 dwm.exe                       6700 Glass                      7        156 K
 csrss.exe                     3516 Glass                     10        136 K
 winlogon.exe                  3104 Glass                     10        172 K
 csrss.exe                     6820 Console                   12      1,856 K
 winlogon.exe                  5228 Console                   12        184 K
 LogonUI.exe                  12020 Glass                     10        528 K
 dwm.exe                       7280 Console                   12     10,200 K
 dwm.exe                      12236 Glass                     10        176 K
 nvxdsync.exe                 12648 Console                   12        316 K
 nvvsvc.exe                     892 Console                   12        440 K
 taskhostex.exe               11880 Console                   12      3,132 K
 explorer.exe                 12224 Console                   12     35,076 K
 LiveComm.exe                 11624 Console                   12      6,756 K
 RuntimeBroker.exe             5408 Console                   12      8,244 K
 RAVCpl64.exe                 11200 Console                   12        332 K
 ZPSTray.exe                  11100 Console                   12        304 K
 Mini_Monitor.exe             11740 Console                   12      4,532 K
 firefox.exe                     88 Console                   12    201,512 K
 plugin-container.exe         13120 Console                   12      1,148 K
 FlashPlayerPlugin_11_5_50    11484 Console                   12        612 K
 FlashPlayerPlugin_11_5_50     9276 Console                   12      1,748 K
 Taskmgr.exe                   7908 Console                   12     24,588 K
 WmiPrvSE.exe                 12568 Services                   0      5,284 K
 cmd.exe                       3020 Console                   12      2,092 K
 conhost.exe                   7352 Console                   12      4,676 K
 tasklist.exe                  9072 Console                   12      5,516 K
 WmiPrvSE.exe                  6384 Services                   0      5,708 K
 C:\Users\Gigabyte>taskkill/PID 0409/F

See also


  1. ^ "Tasklist | Microsoft Docs".
  2. ^ "AROS Research Operating System".
  3. ^ "Reactos/Reactos". GitHub. 4 November 2021.
  4. ^ "PsList - Windows Sysinternals".

Further reading

  • Stanek, William R. (2008). Windows Command-Line Administrator's Pocket Consultant, 2nd Edition. Microsoft Press. ISBN 978-0735622623.
  • John Paul Mueller (2007). Windows Administration at the Command Line for Windows Vista, Windows 2003, Windows XP, and Windows 2000. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 978-0470165799.
Wikibooks has a book on the topic of: Guide to Windows Commands
  • tasklist | Microsoft Docs
  • v
  • t
  • e
File system navigation
File management
  • expand
  • extrac32
  • extract
  • makecab
  • pax
  • tar
Disk managementProcesses
RegistryUser environment
File contents
NetworkingMaintenance and careBoot managementSoftware development