Von Neumann's inequality

In operator theory, von Neumann's inequality, due to John von Neumann, states that, for a fixed contraction T, the polynomial functional calculus map is itself a contraction.


For a contraction T acting on a Hilbert space and a polynomial p, then the norm of p(T) is bounded by the supremum of |p(z)| for z in the unit disk."[1]


The inequality can be proved by considering the unitary dilation of T, for which the inequality is obvious.


This inequality is a specific case of Matsaev's conjecture. That is that for any polynomial P and contraction T on L p {\displaystyle L^{p}}

| | P ( T ) | | L p L p | | P ( S ) | | p p {\displaystyle ||P(T)||_{L^{p}\to L^{p}}\leq ||P(S)||_{\ell ^{p}\to \ell ^{p}}}

where S is the right-shift operator. The von Neumann inequality proves it true for p = 2 {\displaystyle p=2} and for p = 1 {\displaystyle p=1} and p = {\displaystyle p=\infty } it is true by straightforward calculation. S.W. Drury has shown in 2011 that the conjecture fails in the general case.[2]


  1. ^ "Department of Mathematics, Vanderbilt University Colloquium, AY 2007-2008". Archived from the original on 2008-03-16. Retrieved 2008-03-11.
  2. ^ Drury, S.W. (2011). "A counterexample to a conjecture of Matsaev". Linear Algebra and Its Applications. 435 (2): 323–329. doi:10.1016/j.laa.2011.01.022.

See also

  • Crouzeix's conjecture