John Dickson Carr

John Dickson Carr
JaiotzaUniontown (Pennsylvania), 1906ko azaroaren 30a
Herrialdea Ameriketako Estatu Batuak
HeriotzaGreenville, 1977ko otsailaren 27a (70 urte)
Hobiratze lekuaSpringwood Cemetery (en) Itzuli
Heriotza moduaberezko heriotza: birikako minbizia
HeziketaThe Hill School (en) Itzuli
Jarduerakidazlea, gidoilaria, eleberrigilea, zientzia-fikzio idazlea eta kazetaria
Lan nabarmenak
  • The Hollow Man (en) Itzuli
    The Burning Court (en) Itzuli
    The White Priory Murders (en) Itzuli
Jasotako sariak
  • The Edgar Grand Master saria  (1963)
    Grand Prix de Littérature Policière  (1969) : Fire, Burn! (en) Itzuli
InfluentziakRobert Louis Stevenson

IMDB: nm0139757 Allocine: 233302 Allmovie: p308970
Musicbrainz: b338586d-b024-43d1-948e-76c7b360f69a Discogs: 2085446 Find a Grave: 8894677 Edit the value on Wikidata

John Dickson Carr (Uniontown, Pennsylvania, 1906ko azaroaren 30a - Greenville, Hego Carolina, 1977ko otsailaren 27a) estatubatuar detektibe-eleberrien idazlea izan zen. Carter Dickson, Carr Dickson eta Roger Fairbairn izengoitiak ere erabili zituen. Gaston Lerouxek eta Father Brownen istorioek eragin zioten. Urte asko bizi izan zen Ingalaterran eta bere eleberrien kokalekuak eta detektibeak ingelesak dira.


Henri Bencolin

  1. It Walks By Night – 1930
  2. The Lost Gallows – 1931
  3. Castle Skull – 1931
  4. The Waxworks Murder – 1932 (AEBetan izenburua: The Corpse In The Waxworks)
  5. The Four False Weapons, Being the Return of Bencolin – 1937

Dr. Gideon Fell

  1. Hag's Nook – 1933
  2. The Mad Hatter Mystery – 1933
  3. The Eight of Swords – 1934
  4. The Blind Barber – 1934
  5. Death-Watch – 1935
  6. The Hollow Man – 1935 (US title: The Three Coffins)
  7. The Arabian Nights Murder – 1936
  8. To Wake the Dead – 1938
  9. The Crooked Hinge – 1938
  10. The Black Spectacles – 1939 (AEBetan izenburua: The Problem Of The Green Capsule)
  11. The Problem of the Wire Cage – 1939
  12. The Man Who Could Not Shudder – 1940
  13. The Case of the Constant Suicides – 1941
  14. Death Turns the Tables – 1941 (EBn izenburua: The Seat of the Scornful, 1942)
  15. Till Death Do Us Part – 1944
  16. He Who Whispers – 1946
  17. The Sleeping Sphinx – 1947
  18. Below Suspicion – 1949 (Patrick Butlerrekin)
  19. The Dead Man's Knock – 1958
  20. In Spite of Thunder – 1960
  21. The House at Satan's Elbow – 1965
  22. Panic in Box C – 1966
  23. Dark of the Moon – 1967

Sir Henry Merrivale (Carter Dickson)

  1. The Plague Court Murders - 1934
  2. The White Priory Murders- 1934
  3. The Red Widow Murders - 1935
  4. The Unicorn Murders - 1935
  5. The Punch and Judy Murders -1936 (EBn: The Magic Lantern Murders)
  6. The Ten Teacups - 1937 (AEBetan izenburua: The Peacock Feather Murders)
  7. The Judas Window - 1938 (AEBetan izenburua: The Crossbow Murder)
  8. Death in Five Boxes - 1938
  9. The Reader is Warned - 1939
  10. And So To Murder - 1940
  11. Murder in The Submarine Zone - 1940 (AEBetan izenburua: Nine - And Death Makes Ten, edo Murder in the Atlantic)
  12. Seeing is Believing (novel) - 1941 (EBn izenburua: Cross of Murder)
  13. The Gilded Man - 1942 (AEBetan izenburua: Death and The Gilded Man)
  14. She Died A Lady - 1943
  15. He Wouldn't Kill Patience - 1944
  16. The Curse of the Bronze Lamp - 1945 (EBn izenburua: Lord of the Sorcerers, 1946)
  17. My Late Wives - 1946
  18. The Skeleton in the Clock - 1948
  19. A Graveyard To Let - 1949
  20. Night at the Mocking Widow - 1950
  21. Behind the Crimson Blind - 1952
  22. The Cavalier's Cup - 1953

Colonel March

  1. The Department of Queer Complaints (Carter Dickson) (detektibe: Colonel March) - 1940
  2. Merrivale, March and Murder - 1991 'The Department of Queer (ODD) Complaints'

John Dickson Carr izenarekin

  • Poison in Jest – 1932
  • The Burning Court – 1937
  • The Emperor's Snuff-Box – 1942
  • The Nine Wrong Answers – 1952
  • Patrick Butler for the Defence – 1956

Misterio historikoak

  • The Bride of Newgate – 1950
  • The Devil in Velvet – 1951
  • Captain Cut-Throat – 1955
  • Fear Is the Same - 1956
  • Fire, Burn! – 1957
  • Scandal at High Chimneys: A Victorian Melodrama – 1959
  • The Witch of the Low Tide: An Edwardian Melodrama – 1961
  • The Demoniacs – 1962
  • Most Secret (eleberria) – 1964
  • Papa La-Bas – 1968
  • The Ghost's High Noon – 1970
  • Deadly Hall – 1971
  • The Hungry Goblin: A Victorian Detective Novel – 1972 (Wilkie Collins detektibea da.

Carter Dickson izengoitiarekin

  • The Bowstring Murders - 1933
  • The Third Bullet (John Dickson Carr) - 1937
  • Drop to His Death (John Rhoderekin) - 1939 (AEBetan izenburua: Fatal Descent)

Istorio laburren bildumak

  • Dr. Fell, Detective, and Other Stories - 1947
  • The Third Bullet and Other Stories of Detection - 1954
  • The Exploits of Sherlock Holmes, Adrian Conan Doylerekin - 1954 (Sherlock Holmes)
  • The Men Who Explained Miracles - 1963
  • The Door to Doom and Other Detections - 1980
  • The Dead Sleep Lightly - 1983
  • Fell and Foul Play - 1991
  • Merrivale, March, and Murder - 1991


  • Speak of the Devil - Crippen & Landru, 1994, 1941ean idatzia.
  • 13 to the Gallows - Crippen & Landru, 2008
  • The Old Time Radio Series "Suspense (irrati programa)


  • Brotherhood of Shadows - 1923. Argitaratu gabeko saiakera
  • The Murder of Sir Edmund Godfrey - 1936
  • The Life of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - 1949, baimendutako biografia

Kanpo estekak

Autoritate kontrola
  • Wd Datuak: Q365664