Michael Hồ Đình Hy

Michael Hồ Đình Hy
Lahirs. 1808
Meninggal22 Mei 1857
Dihormati diGereja Katolik Roma
Beatifikasi5 Juli 1900 oleh Paus Leo XIII
Kanonisasi19 Juni 1988 oleh Paus Yohanes Paulus II
Pesta22 Mei
penutup kepala pejabat Song
palma kemartiran

Michael Hồ Đình Hy (胡廷西; 1808 – 22 Mei 1857) adalah seorang pejabat mandarin Vietnam yang menjadi martir karena iman Katolik Roma-nya saat masa penganiayaan oleh Kaisar Tự Đức.[1] Ia dikanonisasikan pada 1988 bersama dengan 116 Martir Vietnam lainnya.[2]


  1. ^ Jacob Ramsay Mandarins and Martyrs: The Church and the Nguyen Dynasty in Early Nineteenth-Century Vietnam Stanford University Press, 2008 - 212 pages... 2008 Page 137 "Nevertheless, personal compromise of one's religious beliefs in carrying out official duties must have been relatively widespread, as suggested by the case of Hồ Đình Hy, whose biography was recorded by Fr. Joseph Sohier. The son of ... How Hồ Đình Hy survived so long and rose so high in the court hierarchy raises some tantalizing questions as to the personal compromises he would have had to have made, and the degree of complicity of his colleagues and immediate masters. .... Tried and found guilty by the royal censorate (viện Đô sát) of “secretly following the religion of Gia-Tô,” Hy was decapitated the following May.86 According to Sohier, four other mandarins of indeterminate position ...
  2. ^ Alban Butler Butler's Lives of the Saints: February – Paul Burns 1998 Page 27 "... and Jean Hoan (1861); a catechist, Andre Nam-Thung (1855); and a high-ranking official, Michel Ho-Dinh-Hy (1857). "
  • Catholics Online
  • The Persecutions of Annam: A History of Christianity in Cochin China and Tonking

Pranala luar

  • Vietnamese Holy Martyrs Church - Arlington, VA Diarsipkan 2008-02-29 di Wayback Machine.
  • Church of the Vietnamese Martyrs - Richmond, VA Diarsipkan 2008-03-17 di Wayback Machine.
  • Vietnamese Martyrs Catholic Church - Houston, TX Diarsipkan 2008-03-16 di Wayback Machine.
  • Vietnamese Martyrs Catholic Parish - San Antonio, TX
  • Holy Vietnamese Martyrs Catholic Church - Austin, TX
  • http://www.gpnt.net/diendan/archive/index.php/t-466.html Diarsipkan 2015-09-24 di Wayback Machine.