Ferrovia Tarascona-Sète

Abbozzo linee ferroviarie
Questa voce sull'argomento linee ferroviarie è solo un abbozzo.
Contribuisci a migliorarla secondo le convenzioni di Wikipedia.
Stati attraversatiBandiera della Francia Francia
Attivazionedal 1839 al 1852
Precedenti gestoriLM (1852-1857)
PLM (1857–1937)
SNCF (1938-1997)
RFF (1997-2014)
Lunghezza106 km
Scartamento1,435 mm
Elettrificazione1500 kV CC
Modifica dati su Wikidata · Manuale

La ferrovia Tarascona-Sète (in francese Ligne de Tarascon à Sète-Ville) è un'importante linea ferroviaria posta nel centro-sud della Francia. Servendo importanti città, quali Tarascona, Nîmes, Montpellier e Sète.


Abbozzo ferrovieQuesta sezione sull'argomento ferrovie è solo un abbozzo. Contribuisci a migliorarla secondo le convenzioni di Wikipedia. Segui i suggerimenti del progetto di riferimento.

La ferrovia è stata aperta a tratte dal 1839 al 1852.

La linea fu elettrificata in corrente continua a 1500 V tra il 1947 al 1960.


Sezione vuotaQuesta sezione sull'argomento ferrovie è ancora vuota. Aiutaci a scriverla!
Stazioni e fermate
Unknown route-map component "CONTgq" Unknown route-map component "ABZq+lr" Unknown route-map component "CONTfq"
Linea per Parigi e Marsiglia
Station on track
Tarascona (17 m)
Unknown route-map component "ABZgl" Unknown route-map component "CONTfq"
Linea per Orgon
Transverse water Unknown route-map component "hKRZWae" Unknown route-map component "WABZq+l"
0+474 Viadotto su le fiume Rodano (596 m)
Unknown route-map component "HSTeBHF" Water
0+839 Beaucaire (17 m)
Unknown route-map component "WASSER+l" Unknown route-map component "hKRZWae" Water straight and to right
0+896 Canale du Rhône à Sète (92 m)
Water Unknown route-map component "eABZg+l" Unknown route-map component "exSTRq" Unknown route-map component "exKBSTeq"
Ramo per la zona industriale Domitia
Unknown route-map component "WASSERl" Small bridge over water Transverse water
2+524 Canale du Rhône à Sète (34 m)
Unknown route-map component "exKBHFa" Straight track
Beaucaire Vecchia stazione (6 m)
Unknown route-map component "exvSHI2l-" Unknown route-map component "dSTR"
Unknown route-map component "evÜSTrxl" Unknown route-map component "d"
Bivio di Saint-Montant
Unknown route-map component "dSHI2+l" Unknown route-map component "vSHI2gr-STR"
Unknown route-map component "dKBSTe" Unknown route-map component "vSTR"
2+924 Beaucaire-Marchandises
Unknown route-map component "exCONTgq" Unknown route-map component "dENDExaq" Unknown route-map component "dSTRr+1h"
Straight track + Unknown route-map component "BS2c4"
Unknown route-map component "b"
linea per Martinet
Unknown route-map component "hSTRae"
3+807 Viadotto di Génestet (370 m)
Unknown route-map component "STRo"
4+895 Viadotto di Mas de l'Abbé (72 m)
Enter and exit tunnel
5+225 Galleria di Beaucaire (301 m)
Unknown route-map component "hSTRae"
Unknown route-map component "STRo"
8+230 Viadotto della Fontaine-du-Roy (68 m)
Unknown route-map component "eBHF"
11+305 Jonquières-Saint-Vincent (62 m)
Unknown route-map component "CONTgq" Unknown route-map component "STR+r" Unknown route-map component "eKRWgl" Unknown route-map component "exKRW+r"
Linea per Saint-Brès (LGV); Bivio per il raccordo
Unknown route-map component "eABZgl" Unknown route-map component "eTBHFxu" Unknown route-map component "exABZql+l" Unknown route-map component "exCONTfq"
Nîmes - Manduel - Redessan[1]
Unknown route-map component "vSHI2l-" Unknown route-map component "dSTR" Unknown route-map component "d" Unknown route-map component "exdSTR"
Raccordo fret (in costruzione)
Unknown route-map component "d" Unknown route-map component "vDST-STR" Unknown route-map component "exv-STR"
Base di manutenzione infra. Redessan
Unknown route-map component "d" Unknown route-map component "vSTR" Unknown route-map component "extv-STRa"
Trincea "coperta" di Manduel (1217 m)
Unknown route-map component "d" Unknown route-map component "vÜSTu+l" Unknown route-map component "extv-STR"
Bivio di Manduel per il raccordo di Redessan
Unknown route-map component "extdSTR+l"
Unknown route-map component "extSTRq" + Unknown route-map component "v-SHI2g+r"
Unknown route-map component "extv-STRr"
Unknown route-map component "extSTRe" Unknown route-map component "eDST"
15+911 Manduel - Redessan
Unknown route-map component "exv-SHI3+l" Unknown route-map component "exSHI3r" Unknown route-map component "HSTeBHF" Unknown route-map component "b"
16+814 Manduel - Redessan (55 m)
Unknown route-map component "exdSTR" Unknown route-map component "d" Unknown route-map component "dWASSERq" Small arched bridge over water Transverse water Unknown route-map component "d"
Fiume Vistre
Unknown route-map component "exv-STR" Unknown route-map component "+c" Unknown route-map component "vSTR-ENDEa" Unknown route-map component "exdSTR+l" Unknown route-map component "excSTRq" Unknown route-map component "exnKBSTeq"
Unknown route-map component "exv-STR" Unknown route-map component "+c" Unknown route-map component "dSTR" Unknown route-map component "xvÜSTxr" Unknown route-map component "+c"
Ramo della zona industriale di Grézan
Unknown route-map component "exv-STR" Unknown route-map component "+c" Unknown route-map component "vSTR-BST" Unknown route-map component "exdSTRl" Unknown route-map component "excSTRq" Unknown route-map component "exnKBSTeq"
Unknown route-map component "dCONTgq"
Unknown route-map component "exdABZlr" + Unknown route-map component "dSTRq"
Unknown route-map component "STR2h+r" + Unknown route-map component "MASKl" + Unknown route-map component "dSTRq"
Unknown route-map component "vvSTR~L" + Unknown route-map component "BS2c3"
Unknown route-map component "STR~R"
Linea per Givors-Canal
Unknown route-map component "evBHF" Unknown route-map component "dSTR"
Grezan † 1950 (45 m; demolita)
Unknown route-map component "v-SHI2g+r" Unknown route-map component "dSTR"
Bivio di Grezan
Unknown route-map component "d" Unknown route-map component "vSKRZ-Au"
22+254 Autoroute A9 (33 m)
Unknown route-map component "v-SHI2gr" Unknown route-map component "dSTR"
Unknown route-map component "dSTR" Unknown route-map component "vÜSTl"
Unknown route-map component "dDST" Unknown route-map component "vÜSTr"
Triagolo di Nîmes-Courbessac
Unknown route-map component "exdKDSTa" Unknown route-map component "vSTR" Unknown route-map component "vKDSTe-"
Officina della SNCF (demolita) / technicentre SNCF di Nîmes
Unknown route-map component "exnKBSTaq"
Unknown route-map component "exdSHI2l" + Unknown route-map component "exv-STR+r"
Unknown route-map component "exvSHI2+r-" + Unknown route-map component "vÜST"
Unknown route-map component "b"
EP una fabbrica
Unknown route-map component "vSKRZ-Yu" Unknown route-map component "d"
Ponte della Giustizia
Unknown route-map component "vBST-STR" Unknown route-map component "d"
Unknown route-map component "vSTR+l-" Unknown route-map component "dABZq+l" Unknown route-map component "vABZgr-STR" Unknown route-map component "b"
Bivio di Alès
Unknown route-map component "vSTR-" Unknown route-map component "dSTR" Unknown route-map component "v-SHI2g+r" Unknown route-map component "b"
Unknown route-map component "dSEC1" Unknown route-map component "c" Unknown route-map component "KRWg+l" Unknown route-map component "KRWgr" Unknown route-map component "+cd"
Unknown route-map component "vSTR-" Unknown route-map component "vSHI2gl-" Unknown route-map component "dSTR" Unknown route-map component "b"
Unknown route-map component "dABZg+l" Unknown route-map component "dSTRq" Unknown route-map component "dKRZlu" Unknown route-map component "dKRZmu" Unknown route-map component "dKRZru" Unknown route-map component "dSTR+r" Unknown route-map component "+d"
Viadotto di Courbessac (620 m)
Continuation forward Unknown route-map component "c" Unknown route-map component "vSTR" Unknown route-map component "vSTR" Unknown route-map component "+cd"
Linea per Saint-Germain-des-Fossés
Unknown route-map component "d" Unknown route-map component "vSTR" Unknown route-map component "vSHI2g+l-"
Bivio (Linea per Saint-Germain-des-Fossés)
Unknown route-map component "edKDSTxe" Unknown route-map component "dKDSTe" Unknown route-map component "dSTR" Unknown route-map component "b"
Nîmes-Marchandises deposito di Nîmes
Unknown route-map component "exKBHFe" Straight track
Nîmes (Vecchia)
Unknown route-map component "hSTRa"
26+850 Viadotto di Nîmes (1 669 m)
Unknown route-map component "hBHF"
27+150 Nîmes (46 m)
Unknown route-map component "hSTRe"
Unknown route-map component "HSTeBHF" + Unknown route-map component "HUBaq"
Unknown route-map component "HUB+r"
Saint-Césaire (40 m)
Unknown route-map component "+d" Unknown route-map component "dSHI2+l"
Unknown route-map component "dSHI2glr" + Unknown route-map component "HUBsr-L"
Unknown route-map component "dSHI2+r" + Unknown route-map component "HUBsc2"
Unknown route-map component "d" Unknown route-map component "HUBsr-R"
Unknown route-map component "vSTR" + Unknown route-map component "HUBa@f-Rq"
Unknown route-map component "dHST" + Unknown route-map component "dHUB-Rq"
Unknown route-map component "HUBe@g-Rq"
Bacino Saint-Césaire costruito per la Ferrovia Sommières - Saint-Césaire (binario unico)
Unknown route-map component "edDST" Unknown route-map component "vSTR"
31+130 Saint-Césaire-MIN
Unknown route-map component "exnKBSTaq" Unknown route-map component "veABZg+nr-STR" Unknown route-map component "vSTR-" Unknown route-map component "d"
Unknown route-map component "dKBSTa" Unknown route-map component "dSTR" Unknown route-map component "vSTR" Unknown route-map component "d"
EP di 4e RMAT
Unknown route-map component "exdKBSTaq" Unknown route-map component "exdSTR+r" Unknown route-map component "vSTR" Unknown route-map component "vSTR" Unknown route-map component "+d"
Ramo della zona industriale di Nîmes
Unknown route-map component "exdCONTgq" Unknown route-map component "dENDExaq" Unknown route-map component "edABZqr" Unknown route-map component "dABZqr" Unknown route-map component "xdABZgr" Unknown route-map component "vSTR" Unknown route-map component "b"
Linea per Sommières
Unknown route-map component "+d" Unknown route-map component "exv-KDSTe" Unknown route-map component "dABZgl" Unknown route-map component "dABZql"
Unknown route-map component "MSTR" + Unknown route-map component "lhSTRa@g" + Unknown route-map component "RA"
Unknown route-map component "CONTfq"
Bivio Linea per Le Grau-du-Roi
Unknown route-map component "b" Unknown route-map component "dWASSERq" Unknown route-map component "dWBRÜCKE1" Unknown route-map component "dWASSERq"
Transverse water + Unknown route-map component "lhMSTR" + Unknown route-map component "RA"
Transverse water
Fiume Pondre
Unknown route-map component "dRAq" Unknown route-map component "dSKRZ-Ahl"
Unknown route-map component "lhdSTRq" + Unknown route-map component "dRAq"
Unknown route-map component "lhSTRr" + Unknown route-map component "RAr"
32+500 Autoroute A9
Unknown route-map component "HSTeBHF"
34+353 Milhaud (32 m)
Unknown route-map component "HSTeBHF"
38+872 Uchaud (27 m)
Unknown route-map component "b" Unknown route-map component "ABZgnl" Unknown route-map component "nSTRq" Unknown route-map component "nKBSTeq"
EP della fabbrica d’imbottigliamento della Perrier
Station on track
43+423 Vergèze - Codognan (23 m)
Unknown route-map component "hSTRae"
43+890 Viadotto di Rhôny (128 m)
Unknown route-map component "exnKBSTaq" Unknown route-map component "eABZgnr"
EP della fabbrica Syngenta di Aigues-Vives
Unknown route-map component "b" Unknown route-map component "eBHF" Unknown route-map component "WASSER+l"
45+936 Aigues-Vives (21 m)
Unknown route-map component "exCONTgq" Unknown route-map component "exSTR+r" Straight track Water
Linea per Sommières † 1954
Unknown route-map component "exBHF-L"
Unknown route-map component "exlBHF-R" + Stop on track
Unknown route-map component "WASSER+l" Water straight and to right
Gallargues (20 m)
Unknown route-map component "exKRWl" Unknown route-map component "eKRWg+r" Water
Unknown route-map component "hSTRa"
Water + Unknown route-map component "lKRZu+F"
Transverse water Unknown route-map component "hKRZW" Transverse water
48+604 Viadotto di Gallargues (28 archi; Cubelle) (544 m)
Unknown route-map component "hSTRe"
Water + Unknown route-map component "lKRZu+G"
Unknown route-map component "hKRZWae"
Unknown route-map component "lMKRZu" + Transverse water
Unknown route-map component "exCONTgq" Unknown route-map component "exSTRq" Unknown route-map component "eKRZu" Unknown route-map component "exhKRZWaeq" Unknown route-map component "exCONTfq"
Circonvallazione ferroviaria di Nîmes-Montpellier (in costruzione)
Transverse water Small bridge over water Water straight and to right
50+632 Canale du Bas-Rhône Languedoc (22 m)
Unknown route-map component "b" Unknown route-map component "SHI2gl"
Unknown route-map component "STR3h+l" + Unknown route-map component "lENDE@Fq"
Unknown route-map component "exCONTfq"
Linea per Arles
Unknown route-map component "ev-SHI2gr" Unknown route-map component "dSTR"
Unknown route-map component "exdSTR" Unknown route-map component "vBHF"
Lunel (10 m)
Unknown route-map component "exdKDSTe" Unknown route-map component "vSTR"
Deposito di Lunel
Unknown route-map component "dSTR" Unknown route-map component "vSTR-exKDSTa"
Unknown route-map component "edBST" Unknown route-map component "evSHI2g+l-"
Unknown route-map component "d"
Unknown route-map component "vSTR" + Unknown route-map component "exlv-BST"
Unknown route-map component "d" Unknown route-map component "vSHI2g+l-"
Unknown route-map component "HSTeBHF"
56+558 Lunel-Viel (17 m)
Unknown route-map component "WASSERl" Small bridge over water Transverse water
57+875 Canale du Bas-Rhône Languedoc
Unknown route-map component "HSTeBHF"
59+416 Valergues-Lansargues (18 m)
Unknown route-map component "exCONTgq" Unknown route-map component "exSTRq" Unknown route-map component "eKRZu" Unknown route-map component "exSTRq" Unknown route-map component "exCONTfq"
Circonvallazione ferroviaria di Nîmes-Montpellier (in costruzione)
Transverse water Unknown route-map component "hKRZWae" Transverse water
62+160 Viadotto di Saint-Brès (fiume Bérange) (200 m)
Unknown route-map component "eBHF"
62+369 Saint-Brès - Mudaison † 2011 (22 m)
Unknown route-map component "HSTeBHF"
64+254 Baillargues (25 m)
Unknown route-map component "SKRZ-Au"
67+768 Autoroute A9
Unknown route-map component "HSTeBHF"
68+385 Saint-Aunès (31 m)
Unknown route-map component "v-WASSER+l" Small bridge over water Transverse water
Fiume Salaison
Unknown route-map component "CONTgq" Unknown route-map component "edABZq+l" Unknown route-map component "dWBRÜCKEq" Unknown route-map component "ABZg+r" Unknown route-map component "b"
Bivio Linea per Mazes-le-Crès
Unknown route-map component "exdKBSTe" Unknown route-map component "dWASSER" Straight track
Ramo della zona industriale di Vendargues
Unknown route-map component "eBHF"
Les Mazes - Le Crès (34 m)
Enter and exit short tunnel
Trincea coperta Sablassou (72 m)
Unknown route-map component "eBHF"
72+948 Castelnau-le-Lez (demolita)
Transverse water Unknown route-map component "hKRZWae" Transverse water
74+036 Viadotto sul fiume Lez (105 m)
Unknown route-map component "SKRZ-Eo"
Strada del Professeur-Léon-Vallois
Unknown route-map component "exKBHFaq" Unknown route-map component "exhSTRa@gq"
Unknown route-map component "tSTRa@g" + Unknown route-map component "lhMSTRq" + Unknown route-map component "exSTRq"
Unknown route-map component "exhSTReq" Unknown route-map component "exSTR+r"
Montpellier-Esplanade ; viadotto (demolito)
Unknown route-map component "b" Unknown route-map component "tSTRe@f" Unknown route-map component "exSTR"
Galeria di Polygone (440 m)
Unknown route-map component "b" Unknown route-map component "tBHFae" Unknown route-map component "exSTR"
Montpellier-Saint-Roch (27 m)
Unknown route-map component "b" Unknown route-map component "vexKDSTa-STR" Unknown route-map component "+d" Unknown route-map component "exvSTR-"
Montpellier (vecchia)
Unknown route-map component "b" Unknown route-map component "ev-SHI2g+r" Unknown route-map component "+d" Unknown route-map component "exvSTR-"
Unknown route-map component "exCONTgq" Unknown route-map component "excdSTRq" Unknown route-map component "exdABZq+r" Unknown route-map component "edKRZu" Unknown route-map component "exdSTRq" Unknown route-map component "excdSTRq" Unknown route-map component "exABZgr+r"
Raccordo Linea Montpellier-Chaptal
Unknown route-map component "b" Unknown route-map component "evÜSTr" Unknown route-map component "+d" Unknown route-map component "exvSTR-"
Unknown route-map component "ev-SHI2gr" Unknown route-map component "dABZgl" Unknown route-map component "KBSTeq" Unknown route-map component "exv-STR"
Ramo della zona industriale dei Prés d'Arènes
Unknown route-map component "exdSTR" Unknown route-map component "vÜSTr" Unknown route-map component "exv-CONTf"
Ferrovia Montpellier-Palavas † 1968
Unknown route-map component "exdSTR" Unknown route-map component "dKBSTe" Unknown route-map component "dBST"
78+576 Montpellier-Les-Prés-d'Arènes
Unknown route-map component "exCONTgq" Unknown route-map component "exSTRr" Straight track Unknown route-map component "b"
Linea per Paulhan
Unknown route-map component "SKRZ-Au"
80+820 Autoroute A709
Unknown route-map component "SKRZ-Au"
Autoroute A9
Unknown route-map component "exKRW+l" Unknown route-map component "eKRWgr"
Bivio per il raccordo (in progetto)
Unknown route-map component "exCONTgq" Unknown route-map component "exABZqr"
Unknown route-map component "eKRZu" + Unknown route-map component "exBS2c2"
Unknown route-map component "exdSTR3h+l" + Unknown route-map component "exdSTRq"
Unknown route-map component "exdSTRq" Unknown route-map component "exCONTfq"
Circonvallazione ferroviaria di Nîmes-Montpellier (in costruzione)[2]
Unknown route-map component "d" Unknown route-map component "evÜSTu+r"
Raccordo di Lattes (in costruzione)
Unknown route-map component "d" Unknown route-map component "vSHI2g+l-"
Transverse water Unknown route-map component "hKRZWae" Transverse water
83+834 Viadotto sul Mosson (124 m)
Unknown route-map component "HSTeBHF"
84+310 Villeneuve-lès-Maguelone (7 m)
Unknown route-map component "HSTeBHF"
90+634 Vic-Mireval (2 m)
Station on track
97+695 Frontignan (5 m)
Unknown route-map component "WASSER+l" Transverse water Unknown route-map component "hKRZWae" Transverse water
97+770 Canale di Rhône
Water Unknown route-map component "eBHF" Unknown route-map component "b"
Frontignan Nuova stazione in progetto
Water Unknown route-map component "exnSTR+l" Unknown route-map component "eABZgnr" Unknown route-map component "b"
Water Unknown route-map component "exnBST" Straight track Unknown route-map component "b"
EP della raffineria (Mobil) di Frontignan
Water Unknown route-map component "exnABZgl" Unknown route-map component "eABZg+nr" Unknown route-map component "b"
Unknown route-map component "exnKSTRe" + Unknown route-map component "nKBSTa"
Straight track
EP di deposito di idrocarburi GDH di Frontignan
Water Unknown route-map component "nSTRl" Unknown route-map component "ABZg+nr" Unknown route-map component "b"
Water Unknown route-map component "ABZgl" Transverse track Unknown route-map component "STR+r"
101+435 Bivio per Sète-Méditerranée
Unknown route-map component "WABZg+l" Transverse water Small bridge over water Unknown route-map component "WASSER+r" Straight track
Canale de la Peyrade
Water straight and to right Small non-passenger station on track Water Straight track
Unknown route-map component "exCONTgq"
Unknown route-map component "exSTR2h+r" + Unknown route-map component "BS2c2"
Unknown route-map component "SHI2gr" Water Straight track
103+920 Linea per Gigean
Unknown route-map component "+cd" Unknown route-map component "vSTR" Unknown route-map component "c" Water Non-passenger end station
Unknown route-map component "b" Unknown route-map component "vBHF" Unknown route-map component "d" Unknown route-map component "vWASSERl-" Transverse water
104+530 Sète (4 m)
Unknown route-map component "v-SHI2g+r" Unknown route-map component "+d"
104+656 Bivio
Transverse water Unknown route-map component "DBK" Transverse water
104+878 Ponte levatoio sul canale Bordigue (125 m)
Continuation forward
Linea per Bordeaux


  1. ^ Circonvallazione ferroviaria di Nîmes-Montpellier (in costruzione)
  2. ^ nuova ferrovia Montpellier-Perpignano (in progetto)

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