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Palythoa grandis
Classificazione scientifica
Lamouroux, 1816

Palythoa Lamouroux, 1816 è un genere di esacoralli zoantari della famiglia Sphenopidae.[1]


Il genere comprende specie coloniali caratterizzate dalla presenza di incrostazioni sabbiose nello spessore dell'ectoderma e della mesoglea, assenti sul disco orale.[2][3]


Le specie del genere Palythoa, ad eccezione di due, sono tutte zooxantellate, cioè contengono zooxantelle endosimbionti[2][3]

Alcune specie del genere Palythoa producono la palitossina, una delle biotossine marine più tossiche finora note, isolata per la prima volta nel 1971 in Palythoa toxica.[4].[5]


Il genere comprende le seguenti specie:[1]

Palythoa heliodiscus
Palythoa mizigama
Palythoa mutuki
Palythoa tuberculosa
Palythoa umbrosa
Palythoa variabilis
  • Palythoa aggregata Lesson, 1830
  • Palythoa anneae Carlgren, 1938
  • Palythoa arenacea Heller, 1868
  • Palythoa argus Ehrenberg, 1834
  • Palythoa aspera Pax, 1909
  • Palythoa atogrisea Pax, 1924
  • Palythoa australiae Carlgren, 1937
  • Palythoa australiensis Carlgren, 1950
  • Palythoa bertholeti Gray, 1867
  • Palythoa brasiliensis Heider, 1899
  • Palythoa braunsi Pax, 1924
  • Palythoa brochi Pax, 1924
  • Palythoa buitendijkl Pax, 1924
  • Palythoa caesia Dana, 1846
  • Palythoa calcaria Muller, 1883
  • Palythoa calcigena Pax, 1924
  • Palythoa calycina Pax, 1909
  • Palythoa canalifera Pax, 1908
  • Palythoa canariensis Haddon & Duerden, 1896
  • Palythoa cancrisocia Martens, 1876
  • Palythoa capensis Haddon & Duerden, 1896
  • Palythoa caracasiana Pax, 1924
  • Palythoa caribaeorum Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1860
  • Palythoa ceresina Pax & Muller, 1956
  • Palythoa chlorostoma Pax & Muller, 1956
  • Palythoa cingulata Milne Edwards, 1857
  • Palythoa clavata (Duchassaing, 1850)
  • Palythoa complanata Carlgren, 1951
  • Palythoa congoensis Pax, 1952
  • Palythoa dartevellei Pax, 1952
  • Palythoa densa Carlgren, 1954
  • Palythoa denudata Dana, 1846
  • Palythoa dura Carlgren, 1920
  • Palythoa durbanensis Carlgren, 1938
  • Palythoa dysancrita Pax & Muller, 1956
  • Palythoa eremita Pax, 1920
  • Palythoa fatua Schultze, 1867
  • Palythoa flavoviridis Ehrenberg, 1834
  • Palythoa fuliginosa Dana, 1846
  • Palythoa fusca (Duerden, 1898)
  • Palythoa glareola (Lesueur, 1817)
  • Palythoa glutinosa Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1864
  • Palythoa grandiflora (Verrill, 1900)
  • Palythoa grandis (Verrill, 1900)
  • Palythoa gregorii Haddon & Duerden, 1896
  • Palythoa gridellii Pax & Muller, 1956
  • Palythoa guangdongensis Zunan, 1998
  • Palythoa guinensis von Koch, 1886
  • Palythoa haddoni Carlgren, 1937
  • Palythoa halidosis Pax, 1952
  • Palythoa hartmeyeri Pax, 1910
  • Palythoa heideri Carlgren, 1954
  • Palythoa heilprini (Verrill, 1900)
  • Palythoa heliodiscus (Ryland & Lancaster, 2003)
  • Palythoa horstii Pax, 1924
  • Palythoa howesii Haddon & Shackleton, 1891
  • Palythoa hypopelia Pax, 1909
  • Palythoa ignota Carlgren, 1951
  • Palythoa incerta Carlgren, 1900
  • Palythoa insignis Carlgren, 1951
  • Palythoa irregularis Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1860
  • Palythoa isolata Verrill, 1907
  • Palythoa javanica Pax, 1924
  • Palythoa kochii Haddon & Shackleton, 1891
  • Palythoa leseuri Klunzinger, 1877
  • Palythoa leucochiton Pax & Muller, 1956
  • Palythoa liscia Haddon & Duerden, 1896
  • Palythoa mammillosa (Ellis & Solander, 1786)
  • Palythoa mizigama Irei, Sinniger & Reimer, 2015
  • Palythoa monodi Pax & Muller, 1956
  • Palythoa multisulcata Carlgren, 1900
  • Palythoa mutuki (Haddon & Shackleton, 1891)
  • Palythoa natalensis Carlgren, 1938
  • Palythoa nelliae Pax, 1935
  • Palythoa nigricans McMurrich, 1898
  • Palythoa oorti Pax, 1924
  • Palythoa psammophilia Walsh & Bowers, 1971
  • Palythoa senegalensis Pax & Muller, 1956
  • Palythoa senegambiensis Carter, 1882
  • Palythoa shackletoni Carlgren, 1937
  • Palythoa sinensis Zunan, 1998
  • Palythoa spongiosa Andres, 1883
  • Palythoa stephensoni Carlgren, 1937
  • Palythoa texaensis Carlgren & Hedgpeth, 1952
  • Palythoa toxica Walsh & Bowers, 1971
  • Palythoa tropica Carlgren, 1900
  • Palythoa tuberculosa (Esper, 1805)
  • Palythoa umbrosa Irei, Sinniger & Reimer, 2015
  • Palythoa variabilis (Duerden, 1898)
  • Palythoa vestitus (Verrill, 1928)
  • Palythoa wilsmoorei Wilsmore
  • Palythoa xishaensis Zunan, 1998
  • Palythoa yongei Carlgren, 1937
  • Palythoa zanzibarica Carlgren


  1. ^ a b (EN) Palythoa, in WoRMS (World Register of Marine Species). URL consultato il 29 marzo 2020.
  2. ^ a b (EN) Low M.E.Y., Sinniger F., Reimer J.D., The order Zoantharia Rafinesque, 1815 (Cnidaria, Anthozoa: Hexacorallia): supraspecific classification and nomenclature, in ZooKeys, vol. 641, 2016, pp. 1-80.
  3. ^ a b (EN) Irei Y., Sinniger F., Reimer J.D., Descriptions of two azooxanthellate Palythoa (Order Zoantharia: Subclass Hexacorallia) species from the Ryukyu Archipelago, southern Japan, in ZooKeys, vol. 478, 2015, pp. 1–26.
  4. ^ (EN) Ramos V., Vasconcelos V., Palytoxin and analogs: biological and ecological effects, in Marine Drugs, vol. 8, n. 7, 2010, pp. 2021–37, DOI:10.3390/md8072021.
  5. ^ Di Girolamo I. et al., Gestione del rischio associato alle fioriture di Ostreopsis ovata (PDF), Ministero della Salute, 2007.

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