Prêmio George W. Beadle

O Prêmio George W. Beadle (em inglês: George W. Beadle Award) é uma condecoração científica em memória do laureado com o Prêmio Nobel George W. Beadle, concedida desde 1999 pela Genetics Society of America (GSA) por contribuições de destaque para a comunidade dos pesquisadores em genética.


  • 1999 Michael Ashburner, Universidade de Cambridge
  • 2000 John Sulston, Sanger Centre; Robert Hugh Waterston, Universidade de Washington
  • 2001 Gerald Fink, Whitehead Institute
  • 2002 Andre Goffeau, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgien; Robert K. Mortimer, University of California, Berkeley
  • 2003 Gerald M. Rubin, University of California Berkeley; Allan C. Spradling, Carnegie Institution of Washington
  • 2004 Norbert Perrimon, Harvard School of Medicine/HHMI
  • 2005 Thomas C. Kaufman, Indiana University, Bloomington
  • 2006 Fred Sherman, University of Rochester
  • 2007 Robert K. Herman, University of Minnesota
  • 2008 Mark Johnston, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis
  • 2009 Jay C. Dunlap, Dartmouth Medical School
  • 2010 William M. Gelbart, Harvard University
  • 2011 Joseph R. Ecker, Salk Institute
  • 2012 Therese Markow, University of California, San Diego
  • 2013 R. Scott Hawley, Stowers Institute of Medical Research
  • 2014 Hugo J. Bellen, Baylor College of Medicine/HHMI
  • 2015 John H. Postlethwait, University of Oregon
  • 2016 Susan Celniker, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
  • 2017 Susan A. Gerbi, Brown University
  • 2018 Phil Hieter, University of British Columbia


Ligações externas

  • The George W. Beadle Award der Genetics Society of America