Herbert Simon

Herbert Simon
Date personale
Născut[14][15][16][17] Modificați la Wikidata
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, SUA[18][19] Modificați la Wikidata
Decedat (84 de ani)[14][15][16][17] Modificați la Wikidata
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, SUA[20][19] Modificați la Wikidata
Cauza decesuluicomplicații chirurgicale[*] Modificați la Wikidata
Cetățenie Statele Unite ale Americii Modificați la Wikidata
Religieateism Modificați la Wikidata
cadru didactic universitar[*]
politolog[*] Modificați la Wikidata
Limbi vorbitelimba engleză[21] Modificați la Wikidata
Domeniupolitologie  Modificați la Wikidata
Număr ErdősModificați la Wikidata
InstituțieUniversitatea Carnegie-Mellon[*]
Illinois Institute of Technology[*][[Illinois Institute of Technology (American university)|​]]  Modificați la Wikidata
Alma MaterUniversitatea din Chicago  Modificați la Wikidata
OrganizațiiAcademia Națională de Științe a Statelor Unite ale Americii[*][1]
Academia Americană de Arte și Științe[*]
Association for Computing Machinery[2]
TWAS, the academy of sciences for the developing world[*][[TWAS, the academy of sciences for the developing world (merit-based science academy)|​]][3]
Econometric Society[*][[Econometric Society (academic society and publisher)|​]][4]  Modificați la Wikidata
Conducător de doctoratHenry Schultz[*][[Henry Schultz (American economist and statistician (1893-1938))|​]][5]
Harold Lasswell[6]  Modificați la Wikidata
DoctoranziEdward Feigenbaum
Richard E. Korf[*]
Robert Kendall Lindsay[*][[Robert Kendall Lindsay (Ph.D. Carnegie Mellon University 1961)|​]][6]
Harry E. Pople[*][[Harry E. Pople (Ph.D. Carnegie Mellon University 1969)|​]][6]
Mark S. Fox[*][[Mark S. Fox (Canadian computer scientist and Professor of Industrial Engineering)|​]][6]
Pat Langley[*][[Pat Langley (American computer scientist (1953-))|​]][6]
Wei-Min Shen[*][[Wei-Min Shen (Ph.D. Carnegie Mellon University 1989)|​]][6]
Larry H. Reeker[*][[Larry H. Reeker (Ph.D. Carnegie Mellon University 1974)|​]][6]
Julian Feldman[*][[Julian Feldman (Ph.D. Carnegie Mellon University 1959)|​]][6]
Ferdinand Katz Levy[*][[Ferdinand Katz Levy (Ph.D. Carnegie Mellon University 1963)|​]][6]
...încă 7  Modificați la Wikidata
Cunoscut pentruAdministrative Behavior[*][[Administrative Behavior (book by Herbert Simon)|​]]
bounded rationality[*][[bounded rationality (the idea that rationality is limited by the tractability of the decision problem, the cognitive limitations of the mind, and the time available to make the decision)|​]]  Modificați la Wikidata
PremiiPremiul Turing ()
Premiul Nobel pentru științe economice ()[7]
Premiul de teorie John von Neumann[*] ()
Medalia Națională pentru Știință a Statelor Unite[*] ()
William Procter Prize for Scientific Achievement[*][[William Procter Prize for Scientific Achievement (American science award)|​]] ()
Harold Pender Award[*][[Harold Pender Award (American award for an engineer who has made significant contributions to society)|​]] ()[8]
Josiah Willard Gibbs Lectureship[*][[Josiah Willard Gibbs Lectureship |​]] ()
William James Fellow Award[*][[William James Fellow Award (US award for contribution to the science of psychology)|​]] ()[9]
APA Award for Outstanding Lifetime Contributions to Psychology[*][[APA Award for Outstanding Lifetime Contributions to Psychology (award conferred by the American Psychology Association)|​]] ()[10]
IJCAI Award for Research Excellence[*][[IJCAI Award for Research Excellence (Artificial intelligence research prize)|​]] ()
APA Award for Distinguished Scientific Contributions to Psychology[*][[APA Award for Distinguished Scientific Contributions to Psychology (American psychology award)|​]] ()[11]
Distinguished Fellow of the American Economic Association[*][[Distinguished Fellow of the American Economic Association |​]]
ACM Fellow[*][[ACM Fellow (award granted by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM))|​]] ()[2]
Fellow of the Econometric Society[*][[Fellow of the Econometric Society |​]] ()[4]
Membru al Academiei Americane de Arte și Științe[*]
AAAI Fellow[*][[AAAI Fellow (award)|​]] ()[12]
John Gaus Award[*][[John Gaus Award (award conferred by the American Political Science Association)|​]] ()[13]
Honorary Fellow of the British Psychological Society[*][[Honorary Fellow of the British Psychological Society |​]]  Modificați la Wikidata
Modifică date / text Consultați documentația formatului
Medalia Premiului Nobel
Medalia Premiului Nobel

Herbert Alexander Simon (n. , Milwaukee, Wisconsin, SUA – d. , Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, SUA) a fost un economist american, laureat al Premiului Nobel pentru economie (1978) și al Premiului Turing în 1975.


  1. ^ Notable Names Database 
  2. ^ a b https://awards.acm.org/fellows/award-recipients, accesat în   Lipsește sau este vid: |title= (ajutor)
  3. ^ https://twas.org/directory/simon-herbert  Lipsește sau este vid: |title= (ajutor)
  4. ^ a b https://www.econometricsociety.org/society/organization-and-governance/fellows/memoriam, accesat în   Lipsește sau este vid: |title= (ajutor)
  5. ^ Genealogia matematicienilor, accesat în  
  6. ^ a b c d e f g h i Genealogia matematicienilor 
  7. ^ The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 1978 (în engleză), nobelprize.org, accesat în  
  8. ^ https://events.seas.upenn.edu/distinguished-lectures/pender-lecture/  Lipsește sau este vid: |title= (ajutor)
  9. ^ https://www.psychologicalscience.org/members/awards-and-honors/fellow-award/recipent-past-award-winners  Lipsește sau este vid: |title= (ajutor)
  10. ^ https://www.apa.org/about/governance/president/outstanding  Lipsește sau este vid: |title= (ajutor)
  11. ^ https://www.apa.org/about/awards/scientific-contributions?tab=3  Lipsește sau este vid: |title= (ajutor)
  12. ^ https://aaai.org/about-aaai/aaai-awards/the-aaai-fellows-program/elected-aaai-fellows/  Lipsește sau este vid: |title= (ajutor)
  13. ^ https://www.apsanet.org/PROGRAMS/APSA-Awards/John-Gaus-Award  Lipsește sau este vid: |title= (ajutor)
  14. ^ a b c d „Herbert Simon”, Gemeinsame Normdatei, accesat în  
  15. ^ a b c d Autoritatea BnF, accesat în  
  16. ^ a b c d Herbert A. Simon, SNAC, accesat în  
  17. ^ a b c d Herbert Alexander Simon, Brockhaus Enzyklopädie, accesat în  
  18. ^ „Herbert Simon”, Gemeinsame Normdatei, accesat în  
  19. ^ a b http://amturing.acm.org/award_winners/simon_1031467.cfm, accesat în   Lipsește sau este vid: |title= (ajutor)
  20. ^ „Herbert Simon”, Gemeinsame Normdatei, accesat în  
  21. ^ Autoritatea BnF, accesat în  

v  d  m
Laureați ai Premiului A. M. Turing

Perlis (1966) · Wilkes (1967) · Hamming (1968) · Minsky (1969) · Wilkinson (1970) · McCarthy (1971) · Dijkstra (1972) · Bachman (1973) · Knuth (1974) · Newell / Simon (1975) · Rabin / Scott (1976) · Backus (1977) · Floyd (1978) · Iverson (1979) · Hoare (1980) · Codd (1981) · Cook (1982) · Thompson / Ritchie (1983) · Wirth (1984) · Karp (1985) · Hopcroft / Tarjan (1986) · Cocke (1987) · Sutherland (1988) · Kahan (1989) · Corbató (1990) · Milner (1991) · Lampson (1992) · Hartmanis / Stearns (1993) · Feigenbaum / Reddy (1994) · Blum (1995) · Pnueli (1996) · Engelbart (1997) · Gray (1998) · Brooks (1999) · Yao (2000) · Dahl / Nygaard (2001) · Rivest / Shamir / Adleman (2002) · Kay (2003) · Cerf / Kahn (2004) · Naur (2005) · Allen (2006) · Clarke / Emerson / Sifakis (2007)  · Liskov (2008)  · Thacker (2009)  · Valiant (2010)  · Pearl (2011)  · Micali / Goldwasser (2012)  · Lamport (2013)  · Stonebraker (2014)  · Diffie / Hellman (2015)  · Tim Berners-Lee (2016)

v  d  m
Laureații Premiului Nobel pentru Economie
Frisch, Tinbergen (1969)  · Samuelson (1970) · Kuznets (1971) · Hicks, Arrow (1972)  · Leontief (1973)  · Myrdal, Hayek (1974)  · Kantorovich, Koopmans (1975)  · Friedman (1976)  · Ohlin, Meade (1977)  · Simon (1978)  · Schultz, Lewis (1979)  · Klein (1980)
Tobin (1981)  · Stigler (1982)  · Debreu (1983)  · Stone (1984)  · Modigliani (1985)  · Buchanan (1986)  · Solow (1987)  · Allais (1988)  · Haavelmo (1989)  · Markowitz, Miller, Sharpe (1990)
Coase (1991)  · Becker (1992)  · Fogel, North (1993)  · Harsanyi, Nash, Selten (1994)  · Lucas (1995)  · Mirrlees, Vickrey (1996)  · Merton, Scholes (1997)  · Sen (1998)  · Mundell (1999)  · Heckman, McFadden (2000)
Akerlof, Spence, Stiglitz (2001)  · Kahneman, Smith (2002)  · Engle, Granger (2003)  · Kydland, Prescott (2004)  · Aumann, Schelling (2005)  · Phelps (2006)  · Hurwicz, Maskin, Myerson (2007)  · Krugman (2008)  · Ostrom, Williamson (2009)  · Diamond, Mortensen, Pissarides (2010)
Sargent, Sims (2011) · Roth, Shapley (2012) · Fama, Hansen, Shiller (2013) · Tirole (2014) · Deaton (2015) · Hart, Holmström (2016) · Thaler (2017) · Nordhaus, Romer (2018) · Banerjee, Duflo, Kremer (2019) · Milgrom, Wilson (2020)
Card, Angrist, Imbens (2021) · Bernanke, Diamond, Dybvig (2022) · Goldin (2023)
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