Vincent Godfrey Burns

Vincent Godfrey Burns (Brooklyn, 1893 - 1979) bio je američki pjesnik, poznat po tome što je od 1962. do smrti nosio titulu ovjenčanog pjesnika države Maryland, ali i po tome što je bio brat kriminalca i publicista Roberta Elliotta Burnsa, kome je 1932. pomogao napisati njegovu bestseler-knjigu I Am a Fugitive from a Georgia Chain Gang!.

Kao i brat, Burns je služio u američkoj vojsci u prvom svjetskom ratu. Prije rata je studirao na Penn State University, a poslije na Harvardu, sjemeništu Union Theological Seminary i univerzitetu Columbia, nakon čega se zaredio kao kongregacionalistički svećenik. 1924. godine se oženio za Ednu Rodenberger s kojom je imao kćer.


  • The Master's Message for the New Day, Association Press, 1926
  • The Red Harvest, a Cry for Peace, Macmillan, 1930; Granger Books, 1976
  • I'm in Love with Life Dutton, 1932
  • Female Convict Macauley, 1932; Pyramid, 1959
  • America I Love You New World Books, 1957
  • Flame Against the Night New World Books, 1959
  • An American Poet Speaks New World Books, 1960
  • Memories and Melodies of Maryland New World Books, 1964
  • Maryland's Revolutionary Hero New World Books, 1965
  • The Four Tests of a Loyal American Patriotic Women's Clubs of America, 1966
  • Ballads of the Free State Bard New World Books, 1967
  • Heart on Fire New World Books, 1969
  • World on Fire New World Books, 1969
  • Red Fuse on a World Bomb New World Books, 1969
  • The Sunny Side of Life New World Books, 1970
  • Poetry is Fun New World Books, 1971
  • The Story of Old Glory New World Books, 1972
  • Redwood: And Other Poems, reprint Kessinger Publishing, LLC, 2010, ISBN 978-1-166-13265-1
  • Vincent Godfrey Burns, Robert Elliott Burns, Out of these chains, New World Books, 1942


Vanjske veze

  • Inventory of the Vincent Godfrey Burns Papers, Special Collections, University of Vermont Library