Dehidrataza delta aminolevulinske kiseline

Available structures
PDBPretraga ortologa: PDBe RCSB
List of PDB id codes

1E51, 1PV8, 5HNR, 5HMS

Spoljašnji IDOMIM: 125270 MGI: 96853 HomoloGene: 16 GeneCards: ALAD
Genska lokacija (miš)
Chromosome 4 (mouse)
Hr.Chromosome 4 (mouse)[1]
Chromosome 4 (mouse)
Genomska lokacija za ALAD
Genomska lokacija za ALAD
Band4 B3|4 33.17 cMStart62,427,406 bp[1]
Kraj62,438,155 bp[1]
Obrazac RNK izražavanja

More reference expression data
Genska ontologija
Molecular function porphobilinogen synthase activity
везивање јона цинка
metal ion binding
catalytic activity
lyase activity
identical protein binding
proteasome core complex binding
Cellular component цитосол
extracellular exosome
ванћелијска област
ванћелијски простор
secretory granule lumen
ficolin-1-rich granule lumen
proteasome core complex
Biological process cellular response to interleukin-4
response to ionizing radiation
response to platinum ion
response to selenium ion
response to amino acid
cellular response to lead ion
реакција на хипоксију
response to cadmium ion
response to fatty acid
response to vitamin B1
GO:1904578 response to organic cyclic compound
response to vitamin
response to nutrient
response to metal ion
response to zinc ion
одговор на глукокортикоидни подстицај
response to arsenic-containing substance
protoporphyrinogen IX biosynthetic process
GO:0001306 response to oxidative stress
response to organic substance
response to activity
tetrapyrrole biosynthetic process
porphyrin-containing compound biosynthetic process
response to vitamin E
response to iron ion
heme biosynthetic process
реакција на липополисахарид
response to nutrient levels
реакција на јоне олова
response to inorganic substance
response to aluminum ion
response to hormone
response to mercury ion
response to methylmercury
реакција на етанол
response to cobalt ion
protein homooligomerization
одговор на отровну супстанцу
response to herbicide
neutrophil degranulation
negative regulation of proteasomal protein catabolic process
Sources:Amigo / QuickGO









RefSeq (mRNA)



RefSeq (protein)



Location (UCSC)n/aChr 4: 62.43 – 62.44 Mb
PubMed search[2][3]
View/Edit HumanView/Edit Mouse

Dehidrataza delta aminolevulinske kiseline je enzim koji je kod ljudi kodiran ALAD genom.[4][5]

ALAD enzim se sastoji od 8 identičnih podjedinica i katalizuje kondenzaciju 2 molekula delta-aminolevulinata, čime se formira porfobilinogen (prekurzor hema, citohroma i drugih hemoproteina). ALAD katalizuje drugi korak u porfirinskom i hemnom biosintetičkom putu. Cink je esencijalan za enzimatsku aktivnost. Olovo inhibira ALAD, počevši od krvnih nivoa olova koji su nekad smatrani bezbednim (<10 μg/dL) i postoji negativna korelacija duž opseg od 5 do 95 μg/dL.[6] Inhibicija ALAD-a olovom dovodi do anemije, prvenstveno zbog inhibicije sinteze hema i skraćivanja životnog veka cirkulišućih crvenih krvnih zrnaca, ali i zbog stimulisanja prekomerne produkcije hormona eritropoietina, što dovodi do neadekvatne maturacije crvenih krvnih zrnaca iz njihovih progenitora. Defekat u ALAD strukturnom genu može da dovede do povećane senzitivnosti na trovanje olovom i akutne hepatičke porfirije. Alternativno splajsovane transkriptne varijante koje kodiraju različite izoforme su identifikovane.[7]

Vidi još


  1. ^ а б в GRCm38: Ensembl release 89: ENSMUSG00000028393 - Ensembl, May 2017
  2. ^ „Human PubMed Reference:”. National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine. 
  3. ^ „Mouse PubMed Reference:”. National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine. 
  4. ^ Eiberg H, Mohr J, Nielsen LS (1983). „delta-Aminolevulinatedehydrase: synteny with ABO-AK1-ORM (and assignment to chromosome 9)”. Clin Genet. 23 (2): 150—4. PMID 6839527. doi:10.1111/j.1399-0004.1983.tb01864.x. 
  5. ^ Beaumont C; Foubert C; Grandchamp B; Weil D; Van Cong N'Guyen; Gross MS; Nordmann Y (1984). „Assignment of the human gene for delta aminolevulinate dehydrase to chromosome 9 by somatic cell hybridization and specific enzyme immunoassay”. Ann Hum Genet. 48 (Pt 2): 153—9. PMID 6378062. doi:10.1111/j.1469-1809.1984.tb01010.x. 
  6. ^ Abadin H, Ashizawa A, Stevens YW, Llados F, Diamond G, Sage G, Citra M, Quinones A, Bosch SJ, Swarts SG (2007). Toxicological Profile for Lead (PDF). Atlanta, GA: Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (US). стр. 22, 30. PMID 24049859. Приступљено 22. 11. 2015. 
  7. ^ „Entrez Gene: ALAD aminolevulinate, delta-, dehydratase”. 


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