40S ribozomal protein S3

40S ribozomal protein S3
Uygun yapılar
PDBOrtolog araması: PDBe RCSB
PDB kimlik kodlarının listesi

1WH9, 4UG0, 4V6X, 5A2Q, 5AJ0, 3J7P, 4UJE, 4D5L, 3J7R, 4UJD, 4V5Z, 5FLX, 4D61, 4UJC

Başka adlarRPS3
Dış kimliklerOMIM: 600454 MGI: 1350917 HomoloGene: 779 GeneCards: RPS3
Gen yerleşimi (İnsan)
11. Kromozom (insan)
Krom.11. Kromozom (insan)[1]
11. Kromozom (insan)
40S ribozomal protein S3 için genom yerleşimi
40S ribozomal protein S3 için genom yerleşimi
Bant11q13.4Başlangıç75,399,515 [1]
Bitiş75,422,280 [1]
RNA ekspresyonu deseni

Daha çok ekspresyon verisi başvurusu
Gen ontolojisi
Moleküler işlevi tubulin binding
DNA N-glycosylase activity
small ribosomal subunit rRNA binding
iron-sulfur cluster binding
transcription factor binding
oxidized purine DNA binding
Hsp70 protein binding
lyase activity
enzyme binding
mRNA binding
structural constituent of ribosome
damaged DNA binding
ubiquitin-like protein conjugating enzyme binding
GO:0001948, GO:0016582 protein bağlanması
DNA-(apurinic or apyrimidinic site) endonuclease activity
oxidized pyrimidine DNA binding
endodeoxyribonuclease activity
protein kinase binding
supercoiled DNA binding
DNA binding
Hsp90 protein binding
microtubule binding
protein kinase A binding
RNA binding
kinase binding
RNA polymerase II transcription regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding
GO:0032403 protein-containing complex binding
class I DNA-(apurinic or apyrimidinic site) endonuclease activity
class III/IV DNA-(apurinic or apyrimidinic site) endonuclease activity
oxidized purine nucleobase lesion DNA N-glycosylase activity
Hücresel bileşeni sitoplazma
focal adhesion
ruffle membrane
Hücre iskeleti
hücre çekirdeği
extracellular exosome
Hücre zarı
İğ iplikleri
mitochondrial matrix
small ribosomal subunit
mitotic spindle
mitochondrial inner membrane
cytosolic small ribosomal subunit
GO:0005578 Hücrelerarası madde
Endoplazmik retikulum
NF-kappaB complex
GO:0097483, GO:0097481 postsynaptic density
Biyolojik süreci Segregasyon
positive regulation of endodeoxyribonuclease activity
cellular response to DNA damage stimulus
positive regulation of microtubule polymerization
Hücre döngüsü
GO:0097285 apoptoz
negative regulation of translation
GO:0009373 regulation of transcription, DNA-templated
viral transcription
response to TNF agonist
positive regulation of apoptotic signaling pathway
GO:0001306 response to oxidative stress
transcription, DNA-templated
SRP-dependent cotranslational protein targeting to membrane
positive regulation of cysteine-type endopeptidase activity involved in execution phase of apoptosis
positive regulation of intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway in response to DNA damage
positive regulation of DNA N-glycosylase activity
positive regulation of JUN kinase activity
nuclear-transcribed mRNA catabolic process, nonsense-mediated decay
negative regulation of DNA repair
GO:1900404 positive regulation of DNA repair
positive regulation of NIK/NF-kappaB signaling
Hücre bölünmesi
spindle assembly
negative regulation of protein ubiquitination
GO:1901313 positive regulation of gene expression
translational initiation
regulation of translation
cellular response to hydrogen peroxide
protein biyosentezi
positive regulation of base-excision repair
GO:0100026 DNA onarımı
regulation of apoptotic process
rRNA processing
cytoplasmic translation
positive regulation of protein-containing complex assembly
positive regulation of interleukin-2 production
positive regulation of activated T cell proliferation
positive regulation of T cell receptor signaling pathway
positive regulation of NF-kappaB transcription factor activity
cellular response to tumor necrosis factor
Kaynaklar:Amigo / QuickGO









RefSeq (mRNA)



RefSeq (protein)



Yerleşim (UCSC)Krom. 11: 75.4 – 75.42 Mbn/a
PubMed araması[2][3]
İnsan'ı Gör/DüzenleFare'yi Gör/Düzenle

40S ribozomal protein S3, insanların 11. kromozomunda yer alan RPS3 geni tarafından kodlanan bir proteindir.[4][5][6]


  1. ^ a b c GRCh38: Ensembl release 89: ENSG00000149273 - Ensembl, May 2017
  2. ^ "İnsan PubMed Başvurusu:". National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine. Arşivlenmesi gereken bağlantıya sahip kaynak şablonu içeren maddeler (link)
  3. ^ "Fare PubMed Başvurusu:". National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine. Arşivlenmesi gereken bağlantıya sahip kaynak şablonu içeren maddeler (link)
  4. ^ Pogue-Geile K, Geiser JR, Shu M, Miller C, Wool IG, Meisler AI, Pipas JM (Aug 1991). "Ribosomal protein genes are overexpressed in colorectal cancer: isolation of a cDNA clone encoding the human S3 ribosomal protein". Mol. Cell. Biol. 11 (8). ss. 3842-9. doi:10.1128/MCB.11.8.3842. PMC 361167 $2. PMID 1712897. 
  5. ^ Polakiewicz RD, Munroe DJ, Sait SN, Tycowski KT, Nowak NJ, Shows TB, Housman DE, Page DC (Jul 1995). "Mapping of ribosomal protein S3 and internally nested snoRNA U15A gene to human chromosome 11q13.3-q13.5". Genomics. 25 (2). ss. 577-80. doi:10.1016/0888-7543(95)80063-R Özgürce erişilebilir. PMID 7789996. 
  6. ^ "Entrez Gene: RPS3 ribosomal protein S3". 2 Kasım 2008 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. 

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