














  1. ^ Alagmir, M. (1980). Famine in South Asia: Political economy of mass starvation. Massachusetts: Oelgeschlager, Gunn & Hain
  2. ^ Baro, M. & Duebel F.T. (2006). Perspectives on vulnerability, famine and food security in sub-Saharan Africa. Annual Review of Anthropology, 35, p. 521-38.
  3. ^ Hugo, G. (1984) In Currey B. & Hugo, G. (Eds.), Famine as a geographical phenomenon (pp. 7–31). Boston: Reidel.
  4. ^ Sen, A. (1982). Poverty and famines: An essay and entitlement and deprivation. Oxford: Clarendon.
  5. ^ Sobhan, R. (1979). Politics of Food and Famine in Bangladesh. Economic and Political Weekly, 14(48)
  6. ^ http://banglapedia.search.com.bd/HT/F_0015.htm(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
  7. ^ Famine as Commerce, by Devinder Sharma(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
  8. ^ WHAT WAS IT ABOUT THE 1974 FAMINE?(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
  • 年表英语Timeline of Bangladeshi history
  • 簡介英语Outline of Bangladesh
  • 主題
    • 孟加拉地區歷史英语History of Bengal
    • 航空史英语History of aviation in Bangladesh
    • 文學史英语History of Bengali literature
    • 軍事史英语Military history of Bangladesh
    • 郵政史英语Postage stamps and postal history of Bangladesh
  • 統治者英语List of rulers of Bengal
  • 氣旋英语List of Bangladesh tropical cyclones
孟加拉國英语History of Bangladesh after independence
  • 1974年孟加拉國饑荒
  • 政變英语Military coups in Bangladesh
    • 1975英语Assassination of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
    • 1981英语Assassination of Ziaur Rahman
    • 1982英语1982 Bangladesh coup d'état
  • 2006–08政治危機英语2006–08 Bangladeshi political crisis
  • 孟加拉国步枪队叛乱
政府英语Government of Bangladesh
  • 行政:
  • 選舉英语Elections in Bangladesh
  • 政黨英语List of political parties in Bangladesh
  • 外交關係英语Foreign relations of Bangladesh
  • 外交政策英语Foreign policy of Bangladesh
  • 國會 :
    • 選區英语List_of_Parliamentary_constituencies_in_Bangladesh
    • 議長英语Speaker of the Jatiya Sangsad
  • 地方政府英语Local government in Bangladesh
    • 市政府英语List of City Corporations of Bangladesh
    • 市法團英语List of Municipal Corporations of Bangladesh
    • 乌帕齐拉
    • 村委會英语Union councils of Bangladesh
  • 法律英语Laws in Bangladesh:
    • 憲法
    • 最高法院英语Supreme Court of Bangladesh
    • 高等法庭英语High Court Division
    • 首席法官英语Chief Justice of Bangladesh
    • 司法部長英语Attorney General of Bangladesh
  • 人權英语Human rights in Bangladesh:
    • 強迫失蹤英语Forced disappearance in Bangladesh
    • 宗教自由英语Freedom of religion in Bangladesh
    • LGBT權益
軍事英语Military & 執法
  • 武裝部隊:
    • 陸軍英语Bangladesh Army
    • 海軍英语Bangladesh Navy
    • 空軍英语Bangladesh Air Force
    • DGFI英语Directorate General of Forces Intelligence
  • 準軍事部隊:
    • 步枪队
    • 海岸衛隊英语Bangladesh Coast Guard
    • 安薩爾英语Bangladesh Ansar
    • 村防隊英语Village Defence Party
  • 總統衛隊英语President Guard Regiment
  • 國際刑事法庭英语International Crimes Tribunal (Bangladesh)
  • 情報部門英语Bangladeshi intelligence community:
    • NSI英语National Security Intelligence
    • 特別警察英语Special Branch (Bangladesh)
  • 警察英语Bangladesh Police:
    • CID英语Criminal Investigation Department (Bangladesh)
    • RAB英语Rapid Action Battalion
    • SPBn英语Special Security and Protection Battalion
  • 特別安全部隊英语Special Security Force
  • 工業:
    • 汽車工業英语Automotive industry in Bangladesh
    • 陶瓷英语Ceramics industry in Bangladesh
    • 電子工業英语Electronics industry in Bangladesh
    • 食品工業英语Food industry in Bangladesh
    • 製藥業英语Pharmaceutical industry in Bangladesh
    • 紡織業英语Textile industry in Bangladesh
    • 造船業英语Shipbuilding in Bangladesh
    • 鋼鐵業英语Steel industry in Bangladesh
    • 製茶業英语Tea production in Bangladesh
  • 金融業:
    • 銀行業英语Banking in Bangladesh
    • 孟加拉銀行(中央銀行)
    • 孟加拉塔卡 (貨幣)
    • 金融體系英语Financial system in Bangladesh
  • 股票交易所:
    • 吉大港英语Chittagong Stock Exchange
    • 達卡
    • 2011年騙局英语2011 Bangladesh share market scam
  • 能源與資源:
    • 電業英语Electricity sector in Bangladesh
    • 天然氣與石油英语Natural gas and petroleum in Bangladesh
    • 核能英语Nuclear energy in Bangladesh
    • 再生能源英语Renewable energy in Bangladesh
  • 加工出口區英语Bangladesh Export Processing Zone Authority
  • 農業
    • 養禽業英语Poultry farming in Bangladesh
    • 漁業英语Fishing in Bangladesh
  • 林業英语Forestry in Bangladesh
  • 珍珠業
  • 國家經濟委員會英语National Economic Council (Bangladesh)
  • 旅遊業英语Tourism in Bangladesh
  • 貧窮英语Poverty in Bangladesh
  • 基礎建設:
    • 郵局英语Bangladesh Post Office
    • 電子通訊英语Telecommunications in Bangladesh
    • 房地產英语Real estate in Bangladesh
    • 供水與衛生英语Water supply and sanitation in Bangladesh
  • 交通
    • 機場英语List of airports in Bangladesh
    • 航空英语List of airlines of Bangladesh
    • 鐵路
    • 公路英语List of roads in Bangladesh
    • 港口
  • 族群英语Ethnic groups in Bangladesh
  • 公民英语Bangladeshis
    • 姓名英语Bangladeshi name
  • 犯罪英语Crime in Bangladesh
  • 教育英语Education in Bangladesh
    • 學校英语List of schools in Bangladesh
    • 大學英语List of universities in Bangladesh
  • 健康英语Health in Bangladesh
  • 宗教
  • 社會英语Bangladeshi society
文化英语Culture of Bangladesh
  • 建築英语Architecture of Bangladesh
  • 包爾英语Baul
  • 孟加拉曆英语Bengali calendars
  • 電影英语Cinema of Bangladesh
  • 飲食
  • 語言
  • 孟加拉研究英语Bengal studies
  • 文學英语Bengali literature
  • 音樂英语Music of Bangladesh
  • 公眾假期英语孟加拉國節日與公眾假期
  • 運動英语Sport in Bangladesh
  • 戲劇英语Bengali theatre
  • 電台英语List of radio stations in Bangladesh
  • 英语Sexuality in Bangladesh
國家象徵英语National symbols of Bangladesh
  • 分类