Kangema Constituency

Electoral constituency in Kenya

Kangema Constituency is an electoral constituency in Muranga County, Kenya.

It encompasses Kangema township which is the headquarters of the newly created Murang'a North District. Murang'a North is a heavily populated district of the Central Province and it covers a vast portion of the Aberdare Ranges. The economic mainstay for Kangema is agriculture, most of the land being under Tea, Coffee, wattle and subsistence food crops. There is vibrant trade of consumer goods in the township and the adjacent towns of Gakira, Gitugu, Kiairathe Kanyenya-ini and Rwathia.

Nascent industry includes milk, tea and coffee processing factories. The area is well served by transport and communication infrastructure.

Members of Parliament

Elections MP[1] Party Notes
1963 Julius Gikonyo Kiano KANU
1966 R. Mwangi Wanjagi KANU One-party system
1969 R. Mwangi Wanjagi KANU One-party system
1974 Joseph Kamotho KANU One-party system
1979 Joseph Kamotho KANU One-party system
1983 John Michuki KANU One-party system.
1988 Joseph Kamotho KANU One-party system.
1992 John Michuki Ford-Asili By Election
1997 John Michuki Ford-People By Election
2002 John Michuki NARC By Election
2007 John Michuki PNU By Election
2012 Tiras Nyingi Ngahu TNA By Election
2017 Hon Muturi Kigano (JP) By Election
2022 Peter Irungu Kihungi UDA By Election

Locations and wards

Location Population*
Iyego 17,843
Kanyenyaini 16,489
Kiruri 9,214
Muguru 18,498
Rwathia 18,558
Total xxx
*1999 census.[2]


Ward Registered
Local Authority
Gakira 3,814 Kangema town
Iyego 8,181 Muranga county
Kanyenyaini 9,018 Muranga county
Kiairathe 1,629 Kangema town
Kiruri 4,977 Muranga county
Muringaini 2,066 Kangema town
Rwathia 9,230 Muranga county
Watuha 2,789 Kangema town
Total 41,704
*September 2005.[3]


  1. ^ Center for Multiparty Democracy: Politics and Parliamentarians in Kenya 1944–2007 Archived 28 October 2008 at the Wayback Machine
  2. ^ information.go.ke: CDF allocation by sector and location (2003–6)[permanent dead link]
  3. ^ Electoral Commission of Kenya: Registered voters per polling station by electoral area/ward and constituency Archived 29 September 2007 at the Wayback Machine
  • Kangema Constituency Development Fund website
  • Map of the constituency[permanent dead link]
  • v
  • t
  • e
Central Region
Nyandarua District
Nyeri District
Kirunyaga District
Maragua District
Muranga District
Thika District
Kiambu District
Kilifi District
Kwale District
Lamu District
Malindi District
Mombasa District
Taita-Taveta District
Tana River District
Eastern Region
Embu District
Isiolo District
Kitui District
Machakos District
Makueni District
Marsabit District
Mbeere District
Meru District
Meru North District
Meru South District
Moyale District
Mwingi District
Tharaka District
North Eastern Region
Garissa County
Wajir County
Mandera County
Bondo District
Gucha District
Homa Bay District
Kisii District
Kisumu District
Kuria District
Migori District
Nyamira District
Nyando District
Rachuonyo District
Siaya District
Suba District
Baringo District
Bomet District
Buret District
Kajiado District
Keiyo District
Kericho District
Koibatek District
Laikipia District
Marakwet District
Nakuru District
Nandi District
Narok District
Samburu District
Trans Mara District
Trans-Nzoia District
Turkana District
Uasin Gishu District
West Pokot District