Kipipiri Constituency

Kenyan electoral constituency

Kipipiri Constituency is an electoral constituency in Kenya. It is one of five constituencies in Nyandarua County. The constituency has four wards, all of which elect MCAs for the Nyandarua County. The constituency was established for the 1988 elections and borders Olkalou, Kinangop and Gilgil Constituencies. The inhabitants of the constituency are largely of Kikuyu extraction. Its biggest town is Miharati, which acts as the subcounty headquarters. The constituency is largely poor, with a poverty index of below the national average. The main activity for the residents is farming, with cabbages, Irish potatoes, milk, carrots, and onions being the main products. It has poor roads, and receives rainfall for a large part of the year, save for the lower areas bordering Gilgil that are dry.

Members of Parliament

Elections MP[1] Party Notes
1988 James Kabingu Muregi KANU One-party system.
1992 Laban Muchemi Ford Asili
1995 Githiomi Mwangi DP By-elections
1997 Githiomi Mwangi DP
2002 Amos Kimunya NARC
2007 Amos Kimunya PNU
2013 Samuel Gichigi APK
2017 Amos Kimunya JAP

|- |2022 || Wanjiku Muhia || UDA || |}


Ward Registered Voters
Geta 8,599
Kipiriri 12,589
Githioro 8,018
Wanjohi 13,911
Total 37,117
*September 2005.[2]


  1. ^ Center for Multiparty Democracy: Politics and Parliamentarians in Kenya 1944–2007 Archived 2008-02-28 at the Wayback Machine
  2. ^ Electoral Commission of Kenya: Registered voters per polling station by electoral area/ward and constituency Archived 2007-09-29 at the Wayback Machine
  • v
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  • e
Central Region
Nyandarua District
Nyeri District
Kirunyaga District
Maragua District
Muranga District
Thika District
Kiambu District
Kilifi District
Kwale District
Lamu District
Malindi District
Mombasa District
Taita-Taveta District
Tana River District
Eastern Region
Embu District
Isiolo District
Kitui District
Machakos District
Makueni District
Marsabit District
Mbeere District
Meru District
Meru North District
Meru South District
Moyale District
Mwingi District
Tharaka District
North Eastern Region
Garissa County
Wajir County
Mandera County
Bondo District
Gucha District
Homa Bay District
Kisii District
Kisumu District
Kuria District
Migori District
Nyamira District
Nyando District
Rachuonyo District
Siaya District
Suba District
Baringo District
Bomet District
Buret District
Kajiado District
Keiyo District
Kericho District
Koibatek District
Laikipia District
Marakwet District
Nakuru District
Nandi District
Narok District
Samburu District
Trans Mara District
Trans-Nzoia District
Turkana District
Uasin Gishu District
West Pokot District