Bahasa Proto-Kra

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Bahasa Proto-Kra atau bahasa Kra Purba adalah leluhur rumpun bahasa Kra yang disusun kembali. Bahasa ini disusun kembali pada tahun 2000 oleh Weera Ostapirat dalam disertasi Ph.D.-nya.

Susunan ulang tingkat rendah

Ostapirat (2000) memberikan susunan ulang fonologis permulaan untuk beberapa pengelompokan tingkat yang lebih rendah sebelum mencoba menyusun kembali bahasa Proto-Kadai.

  • Proto-Kra
    • Proto-Kra Barat Daya
      • Proto-Kra Barat (Gelao, Lachi)
      • Proto-Kra Selatan (Laha)
    • Proto-Kra Tengah-Timur
      • Proto-Kra Tengah (Paha)
      • Proto-Kra Timur (Buyang, Qabiao)

Lihat juga

  • Bahasa Proto-Austronesia
  • Bahasa Proto-Li
  • Bahasa Proto-Kam–Sui
  • Bahasa Proto-Tai
  • Rumpun bahasa Austro-Tai


Daftar pustaka

  • Chen, Y.-L. (2018). Proto-Ong-Be. Doctoral dissertation, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa.
  • Hsiu, Andrew. 2017. Potential loanwords in Kra.
  • Miyake, Marc. 2018. Chu and Kra-Dai.
  • Miyake, Marc. 2013. The other Kra-Dai numerals (Parts 1, 2).
  • Miyake, Marc. 2013. Proto-Kra 'seven'.
  • Miyake, Marc. 2013. Retroflexion or lenition?: Kra-Dai 'eye'.
  • Miyake, Marc. 2013. Thurgood's "Tai-Kadai and Austronesian: the nature of the historical relationship" (1994).
  • Miyake, Marc. 2012. t for *p in Vietnamese.
  • Miyake, Marc. 2011. Dating Proto-Kra-Dai: the clue of the old chicken.
  • Miyake, Marc. 2008. Did Proto-Kra have retroflex initials? (Parts 1, 2-6, 7-9, 10, 11)
  • Miyake, Marc. 2008. Correspondences between Proto-Kra and Proto-Tai implosives.
  • Miyake, Marc. 2008. From presyllables to Proto-Kra clusters?
  • Miyake, Marc. 2008. Proto-Kra presyllables and clusters with labial stops
  • Miyake, Marc. 2008. Were Kra words for 'chopsticks' borrowed from Chinese?
  • Miyake, Marc. 2008. 布央 Cloth center consonants.
  • Miyake, Marc. 2008. Limited knowledge only gets you *so far.
  • Miyake, Marc. 2008. What's *so funny about knowledge?
  • Ostapirat, Weera. 2000. "Proto-Kra." Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area 23 (1): 1-251.
  • Ostapirat, Weera. (2009). Proto-Tai and Kra-Dai Finals *-l and *-c. Journal of Language and Culture, 28(2), 41-56.
  • Ostapirat, Weera. (2013). The Rime System of Proto-Tai. Bulletin of Chinese Linguistics, 7(1), 189-227.
  • Pittayaporn, Pittayawat. (2009). The Phonology of Proto-Tai (Doctoral dissertation). Cornell University.

Pranala luar


  • ABVD: Proto-Kra word list
  • ABVD: word lists of Kra-Dai languages Diarsipkan 2020-10-31 di Wayback Machine.
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Rumpun bahasa Kra-Dai
  • Laha
  • Lachi
  • Paha
  • Buyang
  • En
  • Qabiao
  • Bouhin
  • Ha Em
  • Lauhut
  • Tongzha
  • Zandui
  • Baoting
  • Cun
  • Nadou
  • Changjiang
  • Moyfaw
  • Baisha
  • Yuanmen
  • Zhuang Baku
  • Bouyei
  • Hezhang Buyi
  • Zhuang Yei
  • Zhuang Longsang
  • Saek
  • Tai Yo (Nyaw)
  • Yoy
  • Tai Pao
Barat Daya
Barat Laut
  • Laos
  • Thai Phu
  • Isan
  • Tai Yo (Nyaw)
  • Laos Nyo
  • Kaloeng
Chiang Saen
  • Thai (Siam)
  • Thai Utara
  • Tai Daeng
  • Tai Meuay
  • Tai Dón
  • Tai Hang Tong
  • Tai Lue
  • Tai Dam
  • Khun
  • Phuan
  • Thai Song
  • Tày Tac
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